17th January 2025
Pray (ACts) Read (Ezekiel 28:21-32) Message (Alan Burke) We all love a wee story of how someones life has been transformed by the gospel and here the Lord explains to Ezekiel that if those who are wicked turn from their sin and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die. 22 None of the offences he has committed will be remembered against him. Because of the righteous things he has done, he will live. Now heres the thing, since we were wains we were told that we were good, thats why the big fella in the red suit comes and gives us gifts isn’t it!? But scripture makes it clear that there is not one of us who are righteous, not one good (Rom 3:10-12). What is required of us is each one to turn from our sin, that is the way of life to turn from our sin and live. Repentance is what is required of us and it is a message that reverberates through scripture the need for repentance. What the Lord is telling his people that they needed to do and what we need to do is repent. Repentance is shown here by in what the Lord says, this man turns from his sin. We don’t earn salvation by repentance nor does it mean we are perfect if we repent for anyone who claims to be without sin deceives themselves (1 Jn 1:8), rather to repent means that we are looking to what Christ has done, we know nothing but the blood of Jesus can deal with our sin, for we are sinners, each and everyone of us, unless we repent of it then there can be no salvation. The Lord does not take pleasure in the death of any, even the wicked as he makes clear in v23, instead ie is pleased when they turn from their ways and live. The Lord desires that all repent and fine life in him. It was the message that those whom Ezekiel spoke needed to hear in the midst of them pointing the finger at God and saying it is not fair, it is not just and it is what we need to hear, what this world needs to hear, repent so that we might live. But there is a warning that is given, v24 that speaks of a righteous man who commits sin, in effect repenting, turning from his righteousness, turning from it just as the wicked turned from his sin well he will face death. The truth of the matter is that he was not righteous for he has apostatised, rejected, renounced what he was, his faith in the Lord God. We are repeatedly reminded in the new testament about finishing the raise, of endurance, Paul speaks to Timothy of how he fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith (2 Tim 4:7). The proof of our righteousness, of our faith is that we fight the good fight, we finish the raise, we have kept the faith. It is possible along the way to fall into sin but we pick ourselves up and we get on our feet again and continue on but this man who repented of his righteousness, who apostatised did not get up again, he fled from what he once was and as s result, none of the righteous things that he had done would be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness he is guilty of, for he was unfaithful to God, turning from him. God by his grace had always welcomed the sinner who turned from their wickedness, living according to his laws and following his decrees but his people had not. The Lord through Ezekiel reminds them of the mercy of God, for he is just and fair, he is the one who will show his mercy and grace to all those who turn from their sin and trust in him and all those who do they will live, this is the way of the Lord’s mercy for all who repent they will live. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q90. How is the Word to be read and heard, that it may become effectual to salvation? A. That the Word may become effectual to salvation, we must attend thereunto with diligence, preparation, and prayer; receive it with faith and love, lay it up in our hearts, and practice it in our lives.
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