21st December 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Genesis 3v21) Message (Scott Woodburn) What became of Adam & Eve? Despite them playing a fundamental part in human history they very quickly disappear from the pages of Scripture. In Genesis 4 we read about how they are blessed with a family. Cain arrived first and Eve understands the Lord's help in providing her with a son (Genesis 4v1). Cain and his brother Abel worship the Lord with offerings and so it is reasonable to assume that Adam and Eve would have done the same. Eve is thankful again with the arrival of her third son Seth (Genesis 4v25) but very quickly the Genesis account moves to Noah and our attention shifts to his great big boat. So what should we think of Adam and Eve? Some might argue that because of their sin, Adam and Eve are lost. But here is what I think - Adam and Eve were the first members of the church of Jesus Christ. That might seem like a bold claim but I promise I haven't just plucked it from thin air. In today's reading we see an extraordinary act of grace from almighty God. His perfect creation now sees the enemy of death running rampant, sin has entered the world and the shadow of the cross looms large over Eden. The Lord would have been perfectly justified if He had decreed the immediate death of the first couple. Soon Adam and Eve would be driven from the garden. Their relationship with a holy God has been ripped asunder by their sin, but before they go, the Lord clothes them with animal skins (v21). We should be familiar with this imagery. God covers our sinful shame with spotless white garments. We have our nakedness covered by the actions of another. Christ's righteousness is credited to our account by faith and so the same grace filled action is carried out by the Lord in Eden. Blood is shed and animal skins are given to the first people as a covering. I believe this verse gives us reason to believe that Adam and Eve were saved. Notice that by this stage the covenant of works is over. Adam has ripped it up and eternal life is no longer in reach via his own works. Instead Adam and Eve are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. I know some struggle with such a statement but look at chapter four once again. How do we explain Eve's reaction to the birth of Cain and later the birth of Seth? She delights in the birth of her sons, her offspring, for she knows and understands that the Lord will bring redemption to His people with the coming of a child. She has heard the promise of God as outlined in Genesis 3v15. We call this the covenant of grace and will consider it more fully next week, but already Eve and her husband know that without the grace of God and the perfect sacrifice of a coming Redeemer, they have no hope. Instead, with eyes of faith, Adam and Eve in their own offspring see the promises of God being fulfilled. The road is not without its bumps, Adam and Eve soon will have to bury their own son Abel, but the road will certainly see God's promises fulfilled. So what became of Adam and Eve? Today they are in glory with all the saints of God who have gone on before. Some died before Christ's coming and some died after, but all of them received Christ by faith. Their sins are remembered no more, they have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb and they are clothed in sparkling white robes. Even in the dark days of humanity's rebellion the Lord was still extending His strong hand of grace. Today it is still extended and this Christmas there is no sinner so sinful and beyond the reach of His hand. Christian, rest in that grace, you stand forgiven! Sinner, receive that grace, call upon the Lord today and be saved. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q67 Which is the sixth commandment? A. The sixth commandment is, Thou shalt not kill.
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