22nd October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (James 2v24-26) Message (Scott Woodburn) James has helped us to understand something of vital importance - true saving faith is always evidenced by good works. How is anyone saved? By grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. How does that faith show itself? By works. We are justified by faith alone and this faith is confirmed or justified (v24) by works. Just as a hand goes into a glove, true saving faith will always go hand in hand with works. Sunday school teachers everywhere get a little bit nervous when it is time to teach children about Rahab. Who was she? Rahab was a prostitute who hid Joshua’s spies in Jericho (Joshua 2). She had heard about God’s great deeds and the Spirit had worked saving faith in her (Joshua 2v11). She is included in the family tree of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 1v5) and although she was a foreigner she was given a place among the people of God (Joshua 6v25). Was Rahab saved by works? By no means! Scripture is clear that her saving knowledge of God came before any good deeds - she trusted long before the spies arrived in Jericho. Nevertheless, Rahab believed and then she acted. Her faith was confirmed or justified by her works (v25). To underline this one last time, the Apostle states in Hebrews 11v31 that it was by faith that Rahab gave a friendly welcome to the spies. Rahab loved the Lord, she trusted Him when Joshua was still far off but when it came time to act, her faith was confirmed by her works. Perhaps one final proof is needed. Humans are not just the body nor are we just a spirit. As we know all too well, when death comes the body dies but the spirit returns to the Lord. The human body cannot live without the human spirit (v26a) and in the same manner, faith without works is dead (v26b). One must always be accompanied by the other. You might think that we have laboured this point long enough but I make no apology. Let me describe many in Northern Irish society and churches. Fred attends church every week but those who know him see no evidence of any transformative Gospel work. Fred is constantly negative about what he hears and sees in church, he is known as a cold vindictive man in the community but nevertheless if pushed, Fred will tell you he has no problem with God. Fred’s next door neighbour is Vera. She has no time for church and considers Christians to be all a bunch of hypocrites not least grumpy old Fred. Those who know Vera understand that she is warm, friendly and a tireless worker for charity. Fred doesn’t treat Vera very well but that didn’t stop Vera bringing Fred milk everyday when he was suffering with Covid. Indeed one of her friends declared at Vera’s 50th birthday “Vera is an angel sent from heaven.” The book of James has much to say to both Fred and Vera. Fred’s “faith” displays nothing of the life changing Gospel while Vera’s works are commendable but ultimately faithless and Christless. What is required? Saving faith in Jesus followed and evidenced by Christ honouring deeds. This is the Christian life as shown to us in the Scriptures. Everything else is counterfeit - faith without works is dead (v26). Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q15 What was the sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created? The sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created, was their eating the forbidden fruit.
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