4th January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ecclesiastes 1v1) Message (Scott Woodburn) The book of Ecclesiastes opens with the statement "The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem." (v1) and for generations this verse was enough to convince many that the author of Ecclesiastes was none other than David's son Solomon. Nevertheless, in more recent times there has been great discussion over who actually wrote the book of Ecclesiastes. Some still say Solomon, others have moved completely from that position, while still others think the book has multiple authors and an editor who put it altogether. To be clear, unlike Proverbs & the Song of Songs, there is no mention of Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes. The author calls himself "the Preacher" or in Hebrew the word "Qoheleth". You can pronounce "Qoheleth" by saying "co-hell-et" putting the emphasis on "hell" and keeping the "co" & "et" short. If you prefer Greek then the translation of "Qoheleth" gives us the name of the book which of course is Ecclesiastes. You many be aware that the church is sometimes referred to as the "ekklesia" or the gathered people of God. So "Qoheleth" or "the Preacher" is the one who gathers the people to hear the wisdom of God and although many disagree, I'll be referring to him as Solomon throughout these devotions. David's son was a man of great wisdom with the Lord declaring that he would be unrivalled in his knowledge (1 Kings 3v12). Solomon understood what it was to have all that he desired including money, servants, buildings and women with these subjects being evident throughout Ecclesiastes. Furthermore, we know that Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs and wrote one thousand and five songs (1 Kings 4v32). I'm thankful that although we don't have all of Solomon's writings, the Lord has given us the exact number that we require. Ecclesiastes is a wonderful book and one worth reading many times throughout the course of your life. It speaks to that ache that exists in many of us, namely what is this life all about? Is everything meaningless? Should I just eat and drink because tomorrow I die? So how did Solomon answer these questions? I think we'll quickly see that his common refrain was "fear God" This wisdom has stood the test of time and I trust will form a baseline for how you approach 2024. In days of sunshine and in days of rain, may you love and fear the Lord. If He is well pleased with Jesus then He is well pleased with those who have trusted Jesus. Life may often seem "in vain" but those who have trusted Christ have an inheritance that cannot perish, spoil or fade. Brothers and sisters, you can call the author of Ecclesiastes whatever you want. He might be Qoheleth or the Preacher or just plain old Solomon. Regardless, he is worth listening to for in the pages of Ecclesiastes, God has spoken. Buy wisdom from Him and don't sell it (Proverbs 23v23) and you will find that the Lord will make your path straight (Proverbs 3v6). Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q33 What is justification? Justification is an act of God’s free grace, wherein he pardoneth all our sins, and accepteth us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.
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