7th December 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (James 5v19-20) Message (Scott Woodburn) The book of James ends in typical James fashion - the Lord’s brother urges us to act. In what way? Imagine a Christian called Sam. Sam was converted at University and quickly gave himself to the work of his local church. He was a man known for his Biblical knowledge and many enjoyed Bible study nights at Sam’s home. But as Sam entered his forties things began to change. His wife noticed it first. Sam began to drift from the fellowship. He started to enjoy long Sunday morning walks. At times he claimed these were great for prayer but truth be told Sam had stopped praying altogether. He stood down as a Bible study leader and although he went to church on the odd occasion, Sam had largely left the faith behind. I’ve invented the story of Sam but it is a familiar one. What is to be done about the wandering Christian? We are to seek to bring them back (v19). James couldn’t be clearer that if we are successful in our endeavour to pull back a wandering Christian then we have essentially saved that person from spiritual death (v20). That’s amazing isn't it? Let’s be clear that Christ does the saving of any sinner but your efforts to call a brother home may be the means by which the Lord works. Admittedly, many people like Sam will keep wandering and not heed our calls to come back. Even so, we do well when we strive to extend the hand of friendship. Practically speaking, what could this look like? If you know an individual like Sam, how about offering to meet them for a coffee and a no-pressure conversation? You don’t need to go all guns blazing at first, just meet, chat and listen. Or what about a simple text message to say that you’re remembering them and praying for them? Or in light of what James has said about prayer, how about simply vowing to pray for the wanderer on a certain day? Wednesday morning might be the time that you commit to praying for Sam’s return to the faith. Brothers and sisters, not everyone who once cried “Praise the Lord” will stay the course and not every profession of faith will be proved genuine. But if you know a wanderer then perhaps you can remind them that the bridge has not yet been pulled up. Christ knows our weakness and He is calling the wanderers to come home. I thank God for James. It has been a joy to write these devotions and to preach through the book. December is upon us and Christmas is dawning and so in response, brothers and sisters, hear and do the word for the sake of our precious Saviour Jesus. Amen. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q55 What is forbidden in the third commandment? The third commandment forbiddeth all profaning or abusing of anything whereby God maketh himself known.
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