9th April 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ecclesiastes 10v16-20) Message (Scott Woodburn) The book of Proverbs declares “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14v34). In a similar manner Solomon pronounces “woe” upon a nation who has a child as a king and princes who feast in the morning (v16). What did he mean? Historically a child king was not an ideal situation for any nation. The young king could easily be swayed or overthrown and so a nation was quite unstable until the little one grew in years and wisdom. Equally, Princes who feasted in the morning were focusing more on entertainment than government. The morning should have been for work not a party. In comparison it is a happy nation that has a wise and mature king with feasting done at the appropriate time (v17). These feasts are to strengthen the leaders rather than to lead them into drunkenness (v17b). Righteousness does indeed exalt a nation and we should be much in prayer for our own land and our own leaders. This response pleases the Lord who wants us to pray for all people and “for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Timothy 2v2). I have never been a politician and don’t envy the task of our elected leaders but I am convinced that a country is like a house. If the slates blow off your roof in a winter storm, you need to fix them quickly or soon the roof will fall in and the house will be flooded (v18). Politicians must be men and women who work hard, wisely and quickly. There is a time and place for eating, drinking and earning money (v19) but a nation with indulgent and slothful leaders will be a poor place indeed. Even so, we shouldn’t respond to our leaders with anger and cursing (v20). Solomon offered the counsel that your harsh opinions may reach the ears of your leaders by a “little bird”. I don’t fear a knock on the door from Rishi Sunak but nevertheless, I honour Christ by praying for our Prime Minister rather than cursing him privately. Brothers and sisters, this is an election year and it is no exaggeration to say that our country is in poor shape. I would urge you to vote with all seriousness and wisdom as you consider the various issues facing the land. There is an old saying that we should vote early and vote often but this is neither Biblical nor today’s application. Instead, I call you to pray for the country and her leaders. May righteousness exalt this nation for sin remains a reproach to any people. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q8 How doth God execute his decrees? God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence.
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