31st October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (James 3v14-16) Message (Scott Woodburn) If it is true that good works give evidence to the reality of a person’s faith, then it is also true that wickedness marks the individual whose faith is false. Imagine the make believe church of 3rd Ballygobackwards. No one there really wants to deal with the problem but everyone agrees that Sam’s attitude towards Bob is not right. What is Sam’s problem? The root issue is that Sam believes he should have been elected as an elder. Sam is filled with jealousy which shows itself in bitterness to new elder Bob. 3rd Ballygobackwards has other problems too. Joan is so confident in her own ability that she volunteers for every position going. Isn’t this a good thing? Sometimes, but in Joan’s case it isn’t about Christ but letting the world see her own greatness. Joan is filled with selfish ambition which is not for the good of the Gospel or the church. Finally, there is Tommy. The running joke in 3rd Ballygobackwards is that if you want to know how great Tommy is you just have to ask him. Tommy thinks he is pretty special and loves nothing more than to tell anyone who will listen about his accomplishments. There is no such place as 3rd Ballygobackwards and Sam, Joan and Tommy are figments of my imagination but maybe, just maybe you have met similar individuals. James says jealousy, selfish ambition and boasting does not come from God but is earthly, unspiritual and demonic (v14-15). Wow! James just stated that boasting bears Satan’s fingerprints. Is that too harsh? By no means! The church that happily tolerates jealousy and selfish ambition will soon see disorder and every vile practice (v16) - the door is left open to the enemy. Let me give you another example to prove this point. From now to Christmas, if you left every door of your house open, you would start the new year with some potentially serious issues. Admittedly your house would still be standing but it would certainly be a colder, damper and less secure place. Indeed, if left long enough, your home would fall into the ground. In the same manner, the church that opens its door to “earthly, unspiritual, demonic” behaviour might stand for a while but it will surely fall. What is to be done? Leave no room for rotten attributes to fester in your fellowship. Challenge the jealous brother. Speak to your sister’s selfish ambition. Address the boasting that flows from your friend. But guard your own heart too. The easiest thing in the world is to say “I have none of these issues. If only people could be more like me.” Brothers and sisters, be careful lest you too fall into the wisdom of this world. Hear the voice of Paul “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (Philippians 2v3-8) Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q23 What offices doth Christ execute as our Redeemer? Christ, as our Redeemer, executeth the offices of a prophet, of a priest, and of a king, both in his estate of humiliation and exaltation.
30th October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Luke 1:26-38) Message (Alan Burke) If you read Monday’s devotion you already know the craic, if not go read it and catch up. Today we are thinking of the incarnation ie how the Son of God became man and why it was necessary that the Son of God became man. Now this is a key moment in the covenant of grace being fulfilled (again see Monday’s devotion) as the one God promised would come through the incarnation so that we could be saved for God saves sinners by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. It was the hope that we see in Adam and Eve with the birth of Cain that is expressed in the words of Eve, “with the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man” (Genesis 4:1). Adam and Eve understood that the promise of God was reliant on an incarnation. There hope was evidently in Cain, for they believed he was the one who would undo what had been done, who would be the serpent crusher. You can trace this hope right throughout the scriptures, we haven’t got time for that today but God had been pointing his people to the terminal point of his promises, Jesus Christ and the entirety of the scriptures, all sixty-six books are focused on him. How did it all happen, well in a small village, a place of no real significance God would send this child, his Son and the means that God would use was a virgin, Mary who was no older than 13 or 14. Mary asked how could this all be and we are told in v35 as the angel answered her; “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.” The creator God who created all things can create life within her, and his creative work in Mary will result in a child. The creator God who brought life out of nothing in the very beginning and created humans from the dust would create life in her womb. As God’s glorious presence through the Spirit overshadows Mary. This child will be Holy, the Son of God. He is the only man created by God’s direct involvement since Adam, his birth is a new beginning, for the second Adam has come, the true Adam who did what the first could not do. Though Jesus was a genuine human being, he did not inherit a sinful nature and disposition from Mary as she was part of Adam’s sinful race and was a sinner like you and I. Christ took a human nature from Mary, and did it in such a way that Mary’s own sinfulness was not taken with it. His human origins are grounded in God’s creative activity, it is a supernatural origin for the Son of the Most High. This virgin birth, by the work of God, as the Holy sprit overshadowed Mary, this miracle of God that Jesus Christ could be born with a true human nature and without sin, as the virgin birth is the means by which God became flesh. It is the vehicle of the incarnation. It shows us that Jesus Christ was a true man. a "real son of a real mother." He didn't simply resemble man, he was man. And yet, he was conceived by God the Holy Spirit. His birth comes directly from God himself. Because of this, he can be fully man and fully God. He can stand in solidarity with sinners, and yet he can be the sinless sin-bearer. Conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the womb of the virgin Mary, and conceived in the mind of God in eternity past. Take away the virgin birth, and you take away our once-for-all-time perfect sacrifice. You take away our hope. You take away our atonement for sin. You take away the idea of God being both the judge and the justifier. This was all necessary since as Hebrews 2:14 reminds us; “14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—“. Since children, ie human beings have flesh and blood, he too speaking of Jesus, shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death. This description of the incarnation reveals the purpose of Christ becoming a flesh and blood man was to enable him to die, that is the startling claim of scripture all so that we could be saved from our sin.. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q 22. How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man? A. Christ, the Son of God, became man, by taking to himself a true body and a reasonable soul, being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and born of her, yet without sin. 29th October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (James 3v13) Message (Scott Woodburn) I once knew a man who was an expert in his chosen profession. He had studied all the way to PhD level and was without question an exceptional individual. Yet for those who knew him they could also say that he had absolutely no common sense. He could have spoken at a conference at the drop of a hat and then the next day struggle with some very basic things in life. Honestly, most of us can relate to this. I have a mountain of knowledge about professional wrestling but if your central heating stops working I am of no help whatsoever. So what does true wisdom and understanding look like? James wasn’t concerned about certificates or university learning. He asked his listeners “who is wise and understanding among you?” (v13a) and then answered his own question with the challenge “by his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.” (v13b). The truly wise in our fellowships will show themselves in their Christ honouring actions. They will endure trials with joy (James 1v2), they will strive to both hear and do God’s Word (James 1v22), they will show no partiality in the fellowship (James 2v1), they will seek to do good to all (James 1v27) and from their mouths will come much more blessing than cursing (James 3v9). Indeed, all of these actions will display themselves “in the meekness of wisdom” (v13b). Meekness should not be confused with weakness. So what is meekness? Firstly, let me ask where does wisdom come from? Solomon would answer “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1v7). The fear of God is to love Him and seek to honour and obey Him and I’d suggest that meekness is the attitude that flows from the fear of God. True meekness is a Spirit worked humility that seeks to live in a Christ honouring fashion. It understands that God is entirely great and we are but unworthy servants. I studied computer science at university but I received true wisdom when the Gospel caused me to fear the Lord. So do you consider yourself wise and understanding? Yes? Then don’t tell your church how lucky they are to have you, instead by good conduct do works in the meekness of wisdom. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q21 Who is the Redeemer of God’s elect? The only Redeemer of God’s elect is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man, and so was, and continueth to be, God and man in two distinct natures, and one person, for ever. 28th October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ephesians 1:4 & 2:1-12) Message (Alan Burke) I’m taking this week off so I thought I’d do something a little different. You’ve been getting these devotions for more than four years and part of that is the Westminster Shorter Catechism question and answer at the bottom. The Catechism is a succinct summary of the Christian Faith and Scott and I both believe that in the day and age we live in it is one of the best discipleship tools available for you to grow in your knowledge and love of the Lord. So this week I’m doing devotions on the three questions and answers that in God’s providence are at the bottom of this devotion. Today is Q20 and we think the doctrine of Election. Doctrine when we think of scripture means what is taught by scripture, and this teaching of scripture is all about God’s Election, his choosing some to everlasting life. I’ll try to keep this succinct otherwise you might be sitting all day reading this devotion. The bible is a covenantal story, that Paul describes as “the covenant of promise” in Ephesians 2:12. This covenant is unfolded in a series of successive covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Christ, and it is assumed in the post-fall narrative. In essence God’s covenant of Grace is the same throughout the Old and New Testaments—God saves sinners by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. This covenant of grace was first announced in the midst of the fall. Genesis 3:15 tells us how God would send one to crush the head of the serpent. Some translations use bruise but the emphasis is that the sergeant will be defeated, a crushing blow in my view is a better translation. The serpent ie Satan, the Devil, the father of lies, the god of this world what ever name you put on him God promised one who would come who would inflict a crushing blow whereas the one who gave it to him would only receive a glancing blow to his heal, it is the promise of the incarnation, of someone who would come to deal with the consequences of the fall and the sin that was its result. Sin has made us the enemies of God, unable to come before him, what we needed was a Redeemer, the serpent crusher, the fulfilment of the covenant of grace. Ephesians 2 reminds us how we were dead in our transgression and sins, reminding us the truth of who we are, how our whole nature is corrupted by sin. Yet Paul as he writes is explains to us the great truth of what we were we are no longer, for those who come before God who know the salvation through the Redeemer Jesus Christ. Although we were once spiritually dead because of sin, in his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ. This is was God has done and is doing in us, what was impossible for us to do, God has done, we who were dead in our transgression have been made alive. What makes this even more wonderful is the knowledge that we were chosen before the foundation of the world, before the mountains were formed, before the fall, before we were even a twinkle in our father’s eye. God choose it not because we deserve it, it is not because of what we have done that God loves us, it is not because of who we are that God loves us, it is not because of anything we can hope to do that God loves us it is because of the amazing grace that God himself has shown to sinners though the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not our own work. This is not the result of a choice we made. Rather, this is the sovereign will of God being worked out in our lives. In a wonderful act of grace and mercy, has chosen some to everlasting life. We are given faith. We are given eyes to see and ears to understand. We are given a new heart. We are raised from the dead (Eph. 2:4), made alive in Christ, brought into his covenant family. I could say much more on this but if you love the Lord then it is because he first loved you, choose you before the foundation of the world and that should amaze you, leaving you filled with praise for our God. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q 20. Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery? A. God having, out of his mere good pleasure, from all eternity, elected some to everlasting life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the estate of sin and misery, and to bring them into an estate of salvation by a Redeemer. 26th October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (James 3v7-12) Message (Scott Woodburn) It doesn’t take a university professor to tell us that the lion is the king of the jungle. Most of us know this to be true and we might have even sung a few songs about it but it’s not really true. The Lord has given humans dominion and authority over the animals and although we wouldn’t want to see a wild lion marching down our street, humans are very much supreme over the created order. Every kind of beast, bird, reptile and sea creature can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind (v7). But before we pat ourselves on the back, we may have tamed the animals but we still have not mastered the tongue (v8a). James described the tongue as a “restless evil, full of deadly poison.” (v8b). In one instance we sing God’s praise with our tongue, the next we curse our neighbour with the same mouth that shouted “Praise the Lord!” (v9). This is made all the more egregious by the fact that humans are made in God’s image. What does this mean? There are some things that God does not share with humans. He is all powerful, all knowing, in all places at once and He is perfectly self-existent in that He does not need or depend on anyone else. These attributes are described as “incommunicable” meaning they aren’t shared with us - we are not all knowing and never will be. Even so, there are some attributes of God that He does share with us, they are His “communicable” attributes. For example, God is love and so in the same manner human beings will love and be loved. Furthermore, God is gracious and so human beings are to imitate this grace in our lives and relationships. Let it be said that God is perfect in all His ways. Even though we are made in His image, we will never love like Him or show grace like Him - He is the creator and we are the creatures. However, Paul spoke truthfully when he urged us to be imitators of God (Ephesians 5v1) - we bear the Lord’s image and we are to represent Him in this world. Therefore, it is disgraceful when we use our tongues to destroy the reputation of a fellow image bearer. Our tongues are wild! It is Monday afternoon and we speak honestly and lovingly about our neighbour. Then just a few hours later we curse that same neighbour because he has wronged us in some way. From the same mouth comes blessing and cursing (v10)! This should not be so (v10b)! The old well at your grandfather’s farm cannot give both fresh and salt water (v11), the fig tree you bought at Dobbies should not give you a harvest of olives (v12a) and the grapevines you walked beneath in France should not produce figs (v12b). I’m sure we take James’ point. The human being made in God’s image understands the evil that comes from the human mouth and so we must strive to control the tongue. If this seems like a losing battle then you are not alone. Why are we so duplicitous? My lips preach God’s Word and then they speak harshly about another image bearer. Paul was right “I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.” (Romans 7v19). Brothers and sisters, you will never tame your tongue but this should not stop you from waging war against your big mouth. I thank God for His mercy to sinners in Christ Jesus. May we consider that when Jesus stood before His accusers He didn’t rant or rave or speak sinfully. “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.” (Isaiah 53v7). May the mighty Spirit continue His work of transformation in us and may our tongues be quick to bless and incredibly slow to curse. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q19 What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell? All mankind, by their fall, lost communion with God, are under his wrath and curse, and so made liable to all miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell for ever. 25th October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Matthew 6:16-18) Message (Alan Burke) Have you broken your fast yet? Breakfast is the meal that you eat which enables you to break the fast lasting from the previous day, it is breaking the fast, breakfast. I’m sure you all knew that is why breakfast is called breakfast. What though about fasting as a spiritual practice? I’d say that it has become lost to a large extent in the church today, for the original hearers of Jesus they would have known and understood the importance of fasting, it was a sign of ones piety, it showed that you were a faithful Jew. There were corporate fasts and individual fasts. Corporate meaning something that we do together, this is corporate worship, we do it together. For the likes of a corporate fast then we would do it together. The Kirk Session as the spiritual leadership of the congregation could say next Lord’s day we are going to encourage you all to fast from your lunch, to devote the time to prayer. Likewise individually you could choose to fast on a day a week and devote your time to prayer. The Old Testament gives examples of when fasting was not only suggested as a good idea but required and the fasting, self denial covered not only eating, but drinking, intimacy within marriage, washing, anointing, putting on sandals. There were also fast days for tragedies in the history of the people as well as when there was a national crisis. If there was famine or war people would fast as a sing of repentance and seek God’s guidance in prayer. If you wanted to be technical about it, there was only one day per year that the people of God were expected to fast. That was on the day of atonement they would practice self denial (Lev 23:37). In Jesus day there were those who fasted twice a week (Lk 18:12) and it was a sign of ones piety, ones righteousness and you often did it to be seen. When someone was fasting they would make it clear to others that they were fasting by going about looking dishevelled, they were trying to look awful. It wasn't the case that they were trying to hide it by getting the makeup out and put in the face on. No they wanted people to see just how spiritual they were. Some of them even went as far as dirtying themselves to make a big show of how they were making such a sacrifice for God by. They were looking somber, disfigured their faces, effectively they were making it look by their facial expression that they were were fasting, they were preforming for others to see, they were saying to the outside world, “look at me”, they were blowing their trumpets, they were pretenders. In contrast, the followers of Jesus, when they fast they are to put oil on our head and wash our face. That might seem unusual to us but this was the typical grooming pattern. Like today you’d say to many men, and I consulted with men just to make sure; “wake up, shave the face, put the aftershave on fix what you have of the hair and try to look presentable”, for the ladies well you all look radiant without having to make any effort so just be yourselves, do your normal thing, don’t be making a big song and dance about it. In doing this our Father who is unseen and sees what is done in secret will reward us. In giving to the needy, prayer and fasting it comes down to what motivates us. Are we looking for the acclaim of others or are we wanting to please our heavenly father in what we do? Giving, praying and fasting, shouldn’t be a show, it should be done to please our heavenly Father. Fasting has fallen out of favour in the church but it is still virtuous. It might be something you should practice, maybe a fast from dare I say it, Facebook. Many of you read these devotions on Facebook but how much time do you waste during the day on your phone, fast from it, read the scriptures, pray it will benefit you much more than most of the drivel we often spend our time on. There are many other things we can fast from, food, golf, TV the list is endless and spent time with the Lord your God, fasting is a spiritual practice that we have lost. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q18. Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell? A. The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell, consists in the guilt of Adam’s first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called original sin; together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it. 24th October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (James 3v1-6) Message (Scott Woodburn) As everyone knows, the Minister’s job involves just one hour per week on Sunday. I don’t do anything other than preach and when lunchtime arrives on Sunday my work is done. Well…not quite…while many have often joked about my “one day a week” it really isn’t the case. Nevertheless, the preaching that I engage in on Sunday is of vital importance, so much so that James once counselled “not many of you should become teachers” (v1). Why not? Because those who claim to understand Scripture and proclaim it will be judged with greater strictness (v1). I often consider this verse in my preparation for Sunday’s sermons - I need to be as certain as humanly possible about what I preach and teach because one day I will be held accountable for anything false that leaves my mouth. With that said, James also stressed that the mouth of every Christian has the potential to burn a city to the ground. All of us stumble and none of us are without sin (v2a) but the words which flow from our lips can often be the most destructive. The one who never stumbles in his words is a perfect person able to control the whole body (v2b). Does such a person exist? By no means. We are at the same time justified and sinful, therefore the Christian will inevitably stumble and often the problem will be with our tongues. The tongue is a very small part of the human body and yet it is the source of a great many boasts (v5). Just as the whole horse is directed by the small bit put into it’s mouth (v3) and the whole ship is guided by it’s very small rudder (v4), so too does the tongue play a huge part in the direction of every human life. If you have ever been camping at the height of a dry summer then you will know the danger of an unwatched campfire or barbecue. It only takes one small spark to set a whole forest on fire (v5b). James pulled no punches in his description of the dangerous human tongue calling it a fire and a world of unrighteousness (v6b). The runaway tongue stains the whole body and just as it has been set on fire by hell, it also sets on fire the entire course of life (v6c). I’m sure you can remember when you said things you shouldn’t have said. You felt good and justified in telling that person what you thought of them, but you quickly saw the tears welling up in their eyes and they have never been the same since. Once faithful churches have departed from the faith because of the words preached in their pulpit. Families have been ripped apart because of the row that exploded over Christmas dinner. Reputations have been destroyed by slanderous gossip which once unleashed could not be stopped. Brothers and sisters, the tongue is a fire! It’s interesting that our churches wouldn’t tolerate someone skimming money from the collection plate but we are more than happy to turn a blind eye to those with no control of their tongues. Muriel is a gossip and we all know it. Andy’s temper often results in him threatening those around him but we do nothing. Philomena was the source of a destructive false rumour but no one was prepared to confront her. Whole forests have been burnt by one carelessly discarded match and whole communities have been devastated by one little tongue. May we understand the sinful potential of our words and respond accordingly. As James has already said “let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (James 1v19-20). Father God have mercy! Guide our tongues! Still our tongues! “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19v14). Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q17 Into what estate did the fall bring mankind? The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery. 23rd October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Matthew 6:1-4 focus v2-4) Message (Alan Burke) There are people I come across often who are in need, of course there are some who are spending their money foolishly and that is why they are in need but there are others who because of ill health, age, because of circumstances that are in need. Often you look at them and they might be doing alright from the external point of view but things are a struggle for them and I am thankful for the Presbyterian Children’s Society and the Presbyterian Relief Fund which I can call upon when needed to help in those situations. Things are very different than they were in Jesus day we have so many means available for those in need but then if you found yourself in need you were reliant on the good will of those around you, family, neighbours and friends. Here Jesus tells us if we give to the needy, “do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites”. Its not that there were people walking around with a trumpet under their arm so that they could blow their own trumpet when they gave to the needy, no, instead announcing it with trumpets if figurative just like blowing your own trumpet today is the idea of letting people know how great you are. Part of what Jesus is getting at comes from the Herodian temple and it’s courts were unlike anything like we have here, you have the outer court for the Gentiles, that massive area which was heaving with activity and then the next courtyard often referred to as the court of women for it as far as they could go had in it the treasury. Around this court there were chests, thirteen of them known as shofar chests a shofar is like a rams horn, or trumpet chests. The reason why they were called trumpet chests is that they were shaped like trumpets on the top, that flared out, from the bottom. These were known as alms boxes, their money unlike ours had no paper, so think throw a five pence piece in and it’s not going to make a racket, throw in a handful of two pound coins and there is going to be a bit of a racket. They became synonymous for calling attention to one's giving. A person who made blew their own trumpet, throwing a handful of coins in a shofar chest was doing it to be applauded by people. what was meant to be a selfless act had become an act of selfishness, for you were giving to be seen to give. By giving to the poor he is using it to help himself. They were giving to be honoured by men. Their acts weren’t winning them any brownie points with the Lord, for actions like these have already had their reward in full. The followers of Jesus to live differently, they are not looking acclaim, they live with kingdom principles. When we give to the needy ‘do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing’. Of course if we take this literally when do something with the left hand and the right hand will know, rather this is to be understood figuratively. When we give to others we are not doing it to be seen, we are not doing it and then accidentally to let it slip so we can get the acclaim of others, rather we are doing it for the commendation of our heavenly Father, we are doing it to please him. Giving in this way helps us evaluate our spiritual condition, how we are before the Lord. And we in doing it this way will be rewarded by our Father in heaven, not in this life but eternally. We will think more about a heavenly reward in a couple of weeks time, but for now I’ll point you to later in the chapter, v19-24 for Jesus tells us to store up not our treasure on earth but in heaven. We will be rewarded in heaven for what we do here and now. What we do in the here and now is not a means to earn salvation but it is how we live in response to what the Lord has done for us. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q16. Did all mankind fall in Adam’s first transgression? A. The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity; all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him in his first transgression. 22nd October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (James 2v24-26) Message (Scott Woodburn) James has helped us to understand something of vital importance - true saving faith is always evidenced by good works. How is anyone saved? By grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. How does that faith show itself? By works. We are justified by faith alone and this faith is confirmed or justified (v24) by works. Just as a hand goes into a glove, true saving faith will always go hand in hand with works. Sunday school teachers everywhere get a little bit nervous when it is time to teach children about Rahab. Who was she? Rahab was a prostitute who hid Joshua’s spies in Jericho (Joshua 2). She had heard about God’s great deeds and the Spirit had worked saving faith in her (Joshua 2v11). She is included in the family tree of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 1v5) and although she was a foreigner she was given a place among the people of God (Joshua 6v25). Was Rahab saved by works? By no means! Scripture is clear that her saving knowledge of God came before any good deeds - she trusted long before the spies arrived in Jericho. Nevertheless, Rahab believed and then she acted. Her faith was confirmed or justified by her works (v25). To underline this one last time, the Apostle states in Hebrews 11v31 that it was by faith that Rahab gave a friendly welcome to the spies. Rahab loved the Lord, she trusted Him when Joshua was still far off but when it came time to act, her faith was confirmed by her works. Perhaps one final proof is needed. Humans are not just the body nor are we just a spirit. As we know all too well, when death comes the body dies but the spirit returns to the Lord. The human body cannot live without the human spirit (v26a) and in the same manner, faith without works is dead (v26b). One must always be accompanied by the other. You might think that we have laboured this point long enough but I make no apology. Let me describe many in Northern Irish society and churches. Fred attends church every week but those who know him see no evidence of any transformative Gospel work. Fred is constantly negative about what he hears and sees in church, he is known as a cold vindictive man in the community but nevertheless if pushed, Fred will tell you he has no problem with God. Fred’s next door neighbour is Vera. She has no time for church and considers Christians to be all a bunch of hypocrites not least grumpy old Fred. Those who know Vera understand that she is warm, friendly and a tireless worker for charity. Fred doesn’t treat Vera very well but that didn’t stop Vera bringing Fred milk everyday when he was suffering with Covid. Indeed one of her friends declared at Vera’s 50th birthday “Vera is an angel sent from heaven.” The book of James has much to say to both Fred and Vera. Fred’s “faith” displays nothing of the life changing Gospel while Vera’s works are commendable but ultimately faithless and Christless. What is required? Saving faith in Jesus followed and evidenced by Christ honouring deeds. This is the Christian life as shown to us in the Scriptures. Everything else is counterfeit - faith without works is dead (v26). Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q15 What was the sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created? The sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created, was their eating the forbidden fruit. 21st October 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Matthew 6:1-4 focus v1) Message (Alan Burke) Have you ever come across a do-gooder who made sure that everyone seen what they were doing? There for me is one lady who sticks out. Don’t get me wrong she was a lovely lady and very much involved in everything in the community, everything that she could be seen to be doing and most people well let’s say they tolerated her more than anything else. She was one of those ladies that if she ended up on the committee of some group or organisation it was safer to put her as the chair person rather than be able to be a thorn in everyone else’s side on the floor and let her have all the public acclaim for the work that everyone else did. You may not be like that person but there is a degree that we all like to get claim for what we have done, for what we have done to be see. Here though as the followers of Jesus he tells us to do the opposite and by it Jesus is stripping away once more the idea that what matters in our lives is the externals, what we do publicly, what we are seen to be doing and confronts us with what really matters and that is the heart. What matters is not so much the action but our hearts, are we doing what we do for the glory of God, are we doing these things with the right motivation, for the glory of God, to please our heavenly Father or are we doing it to glorify ourselves? God has a different perspective on our actions than others as well as ourselves. In this section on the Sermon on the Mount Jesus address three things that were often seen as the pillars of personal piety, giving to the needy, prayer and fasting (6:1-18). How we do these things matters, if we are doing them for the acclaim of others they may actually be detestable to the Lord. While at the same time there are things that are done without anyone knowing it, the generosity of someone that is unknown to a friend, persistent prayer for someone we have come across known only to us, fasting from something so we can spend more time with the Lord, these things, unknown to all but ourselves or those closest to us are from God’s point of view worthy of eternal reward. It goes against the grain for us because of our sinful hearts we want recognition for the things that we do, that is why there are those who go around making a big song and dance about what they do, they want to be seen, we want a reward, we want the affirmation of others for living the right way ever since we were wains. Are we those who are doing what we do before men to be seen or doing them for our heavenly Father? Off course there are times that others will see our actions, but again just as Jesus had been teaching throughout the Sermon on the Mount it is a matter of the heart, why are we doing what we are doing not only when it comes to giving to those in need, prayer and fasting but in all areas of our lives, is it for the praise of men or is it to please our heavenly Father? Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q14. What is sin? A. Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God. |