Day 239
Pray (ACts) Read - 1 John 2:24-25 Message - Alan Burke Did you hear the news last week, not the stuff about the U.S. election I imagine we will hear about that for a while yet. The other big story was the news of a possible Covid-19 vaccine, it was greeted with great excitement, stock markets rallied, and Boris put a downer on it all telling us the The breakthrough of a coronavirus vaccine has "cleared one significant hurdle but there are several more to go", then Robin Swann welcomed the news but reminded us that “we are in for a hard slog this winter”. But what does a vaccine do, it stimulates the production of antibodies and provide immunity. The hope of many is that one will prove effective for Covid-19 sooner rather than later. Well in these verses John reminds us that as believers we all need to Remain in God’s truth. Having just spoke of the antichrist, the many antichrists who under the influence of the antichrist John writes this to them to encourage them in what they face because remaining in God’s truth is will help us in all that we face. Effectively doing this will act as a vaccine against their attacks, their lies and nonsense is the truth. John wants his readers, he wants us, all of us to know that the Christian message, that life itself, is to be found in the Word, that is Jesus Christ, the good news that Holy Spirit applied to our lives remains in us, for this is what will protect us, returning to what we know to be true, seeing that what we have heard from the beginning remains in us. This teaching runs thought the Pastoral Epistles, the letter to 1 Timothy 6:3, 2 Timothy 1:13, 43, Titus 1:9, 2 Peter 3:2, Jude 17, 20. All of them are encouraging those whom the write to to remember what they have been taught and hold fast to it, don’t let it go, it’s the truth, it’s sound doctrine, the faith that God has once for all entrusted to the saints, his people (Jude 3). Listen to the word of Christ and let it dwell in you richly, (Col 3:16). This is what we need to do. What we need as in every generation is to pass down the truth that has been given to us, the true unchanged, unchanging word of God. What do we learn that the early church did in Acts 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. What is John encouraging these believers to do, devote themselves to the same things so that they may be able to stand firm. I always marvel how quick we are to forget this truth, yet this is what we are to do, devote ourselves to the word of God, letting it dwell richly in us. And if we do this, remain in the truth we will remain in the Son and the Father (24). And for those whom the Word remains in, who remain in the Son and the Father they have a reward, what has been promised to us, what Jesus has promised us, even eternal life. Let not the significance of that pass us by, this is a promise to you in faith, a promise that is not like the promises that we make to another because we all have failed to keep our word. Yet here the promise of God is sure, for if we have faith in the Father though the Son, if we have remained in the Son and Father then we have this confident hope. This promise can be traced back to Jesus himself (Jn 10:10, 28), it is available here and now, for in the here and now we begin to enjoy it, with a hope that is not like this world that is perishing (17). Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q17 Into what estate did the fall bring mankind? The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery. (Rom. 5:12)
Day 238
Pray (ACts) Read - 2 Corinthians 10 Message - Scott Woodburn We shouldn't be surprised when the church of Christ faces opposition and difficulty. What might surprise us however is that the source of the problem is often not where we think. Imagine for a second a church member called Joe Bloggs. Joe doesn't know Christ but has somehow become an elder. Not only that but Joe is confident, a good speaker and someone who wields undue influence over the church. His fellow elders tiptoe around him and others avoid confrontation because of family connections. Things with Joe tick along nicely for years but then one day a new pastor arrives who preaches the Gospel at every opportunity. This annoys Joe. He doesn't give too much thought to why he is annoyed but he is annoyed nevertheless, indeed he is furious. Joe's church has never been one of those Gospel preaching churches. Joe wants no talk of being saved and Joe will do all in his power to clip the wings of the young upstart preacher. The story above is entirely fictitious but it is also entirely plausible. We've seen similar before and we will again. We need to get rid of all the Joes don't we? Joe must go! Steady there! Put down your pitchfork and sit at Paul's feet. Corinth had their own fair share of Joes. Paul has addressed them before in this letter and he does so again. They have accused Paul of being the big man when he writes but quiet in person. Even worse they accuse him of being worldly or walking according to the flesh (v2b). This chapter begins with Paul's assurance to the Corinthians. He speaks to them by way of the meekness and gentleness of Christ (v1) and begs them that when he comes he won't need to speak to them with boldness (v2a). With that said Paul fully expects on having to speak sternly with his critics (v2b). Exciting! Paul is on his way to Corinth and Joe Bloggs is going to get it! What will Paul do? March straight in and grab Joe by the throat? Head to the church carpark and launch a gossip campaign against the Joe Bloggs team? Sorry, no. Put away your popcorn. The battle that Paul will fight will not be fought with weapons of the flesh (v3). Paul's weapons are from God and have God given power to tear down the devil's strongholds (v4). You see quite often we think that Joe Bloggs is the big problem in our church and we completely overlook that "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6v12) With faithful preaching of truth and with much prayer Paul is confident that false arguments and opinions can be defeated (v5a). Paul doesn't want to destroy Joe Bloggs, instead he wants to set Joe free so that every single one of Joe's thoughts would be brought into the obedience of Christ (v5b). Yet one mark of the true church of Christ is church discipline, and Paul states that as the Corinthians display obedience, Paul is ready to punish those who remain disobedient (v6). Ah! Now we get to the good stuff. Now Paul will start throwing punches. Well, no. Church discipline sees a member removed from the fellowship, trusting that the member will repent and finally be restored to the fellowship. Most churches will have a Joe Bloggs but understand that there will be no victory using gossip, schemes or fighting fire with fire. Instead our fellowships must be prepared to engage in spiritual warfare with the tools that God has placed at our disposal. Let the truth of God's Word resound and let God's people pray and let our eyes constantly be set upon our good captain the Lord Jesus Christ. He will build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q16 Did all mankind fall in Adam’s first transgression? The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity; all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him in his first transgression. Day 237
Pray (ACts) Read - 1 John 2:22-23 Message - Alan Burke Have you ever been branded a liar? On the school playground faced the taunt “liar, liar, pants on fire” or said it to someone else? Have you been told “take what that person says with a pinch of salt”, “don’t believe a word they tell you”? The fact of the matter is that none of us can say we have never told a lie and that there are times that we have even purposely deceived others, of course we may not think about it that way but we do it all the time, although I am thankful for the riches I received from the tooth fairy. But as John asks the question “who is the liar?” He’s not taking aim at you or I, rather he is taking aim at those who deny that Jesus is the Christ! Who is the liar, those who deny that Jesus is the Christ. They are those who do not believe the truth, they are heretics, those who are at odds with what the bible teaches. Those who do not believe in the reality of the incarnation, those who deny the Son of God as truly God, those who deny that He was truly man, those who view that the heavily Christ did not suffer and die, those who believe that He has not shed His blood to be our Saviour. Notice though what John’s focus is on, he doesn’t focus on what they are doing right, the things that they taught positively, they may even have been making a massive difference in their community, rather the focus is on what they deny. And what is more those who deny that Jesus is the Christ, well as John makes clear, ‘Such a man is the antichrist, he denies the Father and the Son’. It sounds a wee bit extreme doesn’t it, after all many of us have friends who we know we differ on a few things, you may think that church down the road does a good work, is this really that important? It is, because the truth of the gospel is so important, and to deny any of it, to deny that Jesus is the Christ, that He is the Messiah, the promised deliverer of God’s people is falsehood. When a person does this they are showing that they do not come from the truth, that they are an antichrist, that they are opposed to the truth. And those who deny the truth are opposed to the gospel and John won’t have it because the truth is so important. For as John says here “No one who denies the Son has the Father” (23a). But the flip side is this, “those who acknowledge the Son have the Father also” (23b). Do you acknowledge the Son this day? What it means by acknowledge is the idea of confessing something to be true, bearing witness to it, declare that you believe it, because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved (Rom 10:9-10). You may have at one time been branded a liar, even faced the taunt “liar, liar, pants on fire” or purposely deceived someone for what ever reason, but if you acknowledge the Son you have the Father also, your salvation is secure through Jesus the Christ who being the eternal Son of God became man, and so was and continues to be, God and man in two distinct natures and one person forever (Rom. 9:5, Lk 1:35, Col. 2:9, Heb. 7:24–25). Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q15 What was the sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created? The sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein thy were created, was their eating the forbidden fruit. (Gen. 3:6) Day 235
Pray (ACts) Read - 2 Corinthians 9 Message - Scott Woodburn This week's devotions have been focused on the thorny subject of money with Paul urging the willing Corinthians to give financially to support the wider church. No one likes to talk about money and certainly no one likes to hear the topic preached. However we have no right or authority to ignore passages like this in the Word of God and so we finish 2 Corinthians 9 by grasping the nettle once more. Some of you will be men and women who tithe. What is tithing? Tithing is the practice of giving a tenth (a tithe) of your income (before you pay tax), as a minimum, to the church of Jesus Christ. It isn't something invented by a preacher or denomination, instead we find tithing on the pages of Scripture. Abram returning from a great victory meets Melchizedek the king of Salem and honours him by giving him a tenth (a tithe) of the spoils of war (Genesis 14v20). This incident takes on huge significance when we realise that Christ comes in the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6v20). So thats settled then. Christians should tithe? Steady on. Others argue that tithing does not find itself as part of God's moral law (the ten commandments) and therefore should not be imposed upon Christians. So what then should we do? I think the first step is to avoid the pitfalls and then to have our practice shaped and reformed by the Word of God. The pitfalls? Yup, the pitfalls. Some reject the tithe or any standard of giving and sinfully ask the question "How little can I give?" Others, beginning in a place of generosity, grow to a place of hardness asking "Why doesn't everyone contribute the way I do?" Yet another believes a false Gospel and thinks "The Lord and I are okay because I pay in." Still others keep their name on a church list and contribute something just to keep their graveyard privileges (let me assure such a man, I'll bury you for free but today you must be born again). We avoid the pitfalls and then let the Word thunder. God is not silent even when a subject is thorny. Indeed the thorns of this particular subject are removed by the sharp sword of God's Word. He tells us to give according to our means and at times to go beyond this (2 Corinthians 8v3). The Lord tells us that we are not to be forced into giving but to give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9v7). The Lord tells us that our faith (or financial gift) will not guarantee health, wealth and prosperity, the Christian walk will be hard (John 16v33). The Lord tells us that our salvation has got nothing to do with our finances (Acts 16v31). The Lord tells us that we do not give Him a gift that He will have to repay, He is not a genie who responds to your money with three wishes (Romans 11v35). The Lord tells us to avoid storing up treasure on earth (Matthew 6v19). The Lord tells us that our giving is in response to His grace (2 Corinthians 9v8) and the Lord tells us that our giving should always be in view of His glory and the advance of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 9v12-13). Ulster wisdom likes to say that "you can't take it with you" and perhaps such wisdom echoes in other parts of the world too. It's right. We can't. Only the kingdom of God has foundations that will never be shaken. Men die with Christ or they die without Him. Heaven or hell remain the only two eternal destinations. A cheerful investment in the Gospel is more precious than gold. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q14 What is sin? Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God. Day 234
Pray (ACts) Read - 1 John 20-21 Message - Alan Burke If you read the devotions on Monday you were confronted with the truth of how this is the 'last hour’ (18a). Time is running out, not only because we age and that our earthly journey will come to an end but also time is running out for the world itself. Sooner or later Christ will return and we should live expecting it for these are the last days, we need to recognise the time that we live in. Then on Wednesday we looked to that warning John gives of the danger that there is for there are ‘antichrist’s’, those who are teaching a load of nonsense (18). John mentioned this not so that we would be trying to identify those who are teaching a false gospel, rather he wants to make believers wise to the danger that is there so that they can be safe, not everything we hear is trustworthy. Now he turns his attention to what we have been given, and how we have been given all that we need, this should give us assurance not in ourselves but in God’s work in us (20-22). For those who have received the truth of the gospel, for the spiritual children that John writes to, and for us what John now says should give us assurance of our standing with God, his care for us. Paul describes the work of God in the life of the believer in this way, ‘he anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit on our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come (1 Cor 1:2). For if we have received the Holy One of God (20), Jesus Christ, then we have come to know the truth and have the antidote to false teaching of the antichrist’s. It’s as if John is saying, all of you know the truth, if you have been saved, by faith, through the work of God in your life, his Holy One, Jesus Christ, then we have come to know the truth, that is what we need, - there are those out there, the antichrists who spout a whole load of nonsense, but they have no monopoly of truth, for it is the right and privilege of ever true believe to have knowledge from the Spirit. By nature we do not receive the things of God as trustworthy, we cannot not please God or submit to the God of the bible but by the work of God within us by his Word and Spirit we are changed, and when this happened we cannot be deceived by the lies, by those who declare untruths but we are to be on our guard. We need to examine the scriptures, study them, grow in them, and that will help us in all that we face as the Spirit works in us, applying the truth to our lives. The guiding work of the Spirit within us cannot be separated from the message, the Word of God itself, the scriptures of the Old and New Testament. John writes so that the church may know the danger that they may be wise to it, likewise for us we need to be ware that not all that we hear is truth and not everyone who is in ministry in the church or in parachurch organisations declares the truth. There are many who tell people what they want to hear because the time has come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear (2 Tim 4:3). Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q13 Did our first parents continue in the estate wherein they were created? Our first parents, being left to the freedom of their own will, fell from the estate wherein they were created, by sinning against God. (Gen. 3:6–8,13, Eccl. 7:29) Day 233
Pray (ACts) Read - 2 Corinthians 9 Message - Scott Woodburn Why should we have a concern about the church catholic? Doesn't charity begin at home? Paul shares a proverb to convince us. The one who gives little will receive little and the one who gives much will receive much (v6). Great! We give because God promises to fill our bank accounts in return...right? Well, no. Many careers have been built on such promises but they are utterly unbiblical and wrong. God never promises to make us financially rich due to the strength of our faith or the size of our gift. So how do we understand this passage? By understanding that God meets our generosity with blessing which makes silver and gold look like a penny in the dirt. In verse 11 Paul says that we will be enriched in every way, flowing into generosity in every way, leading to the praise of Almighty God. We do not give in order to get. Instead we give out of love of our neighbour and so that God may be glorified at home and abroad. So as you financially support the wider church the blessing that comes could well be the conversion of sinners in Afghanistan or Ardglass. I think we can agree that such blessing is worth far more than God "paying you back" with a brand new Mercedes. This giving should never be reluctant or with an arm twisted up our backs (v7). We give willingly and cheerfully so that the cause of Christ advances. God delights in such giving and in all of this His grace abounds (v8). He has been graceful to us by the Gospel and saved us from sin (v8a). By His grace, He gives us a sufficiency "in all things at all times" (v8b). By His grace He sanctifies us as we attend to the ordinary means of grace and it is by His grace that with renewed hearts we respond to the Gospel in every good work. We do not give to receive riches. As we give, God's grace abounds, in our lives and in the lives of our brothers and sisters. Paul proves his point by referencing Psalm 112 (v9) and Isaiah 55 (v10). The righteous man has a concern for the poor (v9) and as we give, the Lord multiplies our giving increasing the harvest of righteousness (v10). Notice again that we are not promised pounds, shillings and pence. Instead the harvest is a spiritual one rather than a selfish one. As we give we do not look for me-centred praise, rather we long for overflowing praise to God (v12b). As we give the Gospel goes forward and the needs of the saints is met (v12a). As we give God is glorified by our confession of the Gospel and the generosity that flows as a result (v13). As we give other parts of the church are thankful for us and pray for us (v14). Do you see how there can be no room for the thinking that says "give God money and he'll make you happy, healthy and wealthy"? It has always been much bigger than our own small concerns. We give cheerfully in response to God's grace so that thanksgiving to God will abound in the nations. Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! (v15) Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q12 What special act of providence did God exercise toward man in the estate wherein he was created? When God had created man, he entered into a covenant of life with him, upon condition of perfect obedience; forbidding him to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, upon the pain of death. Day 232
Pray (ACts) Read - 1 John 18b-19 Message - Alan Burke How do you keep a child safe, do wrap them in cotton wool, try to keep them away from any dangers, be a helicopter parent just hovering over them, making sure that every aspect of their live is strictly supervised? What happens though when a child grows up and moves out, if they were never allowed to use a knife because they could cut themselves, how are they going to know how to safely prepare a meal that involves chopping with a knife? If they were never allowed to go to the shop because of the fear of someone taking them how are they going to negotiate the weekly shop? These might be absurd examples because we all know the best way to keep a child from danger is to teach them about the danger and to be wise, teaching a child how to chop and prepare the dinner safely, teach them the highway code, ‘Stop, Look, Listen’. We teach our children about the danger because we want them to know how to be wise, not to live in fear of a knife or crossing the road, or going to the shop but to be able to avoid danger. As John continues he is teaching them about the danger that there is so that they can be wise to it and avoid it. For this world is passing away, this is the last hour and we can expect adversaries, for the antichrist is coming and even now many antichrists have come. What does John mean, the by the antichrist? Well just before Jesus returns a completely evil man will arise. He will be Satan’s tool, equipped with Satan’s power, Paul uses the term ‘man of lawlessness’ and he will proclaim himself as God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4,9). This will be the Antichrist, the one who will gather together anti-christian forces in opposition to Christ and his Church, some argue whether it is an individual or an all pervading ideology but it still awaits the church. Then the antichrists, who are they, well begin by looking to verse 19, how these that John speaks of, went out from us, but they did not belong to us. John is talking in this instance about those who were part of the visible church to whom he first wrote and who deny Christ and as a result they are antichrists, possessed by the spirit of the antichrist (4:3). They are those in every age, Jesus himself taught about the future and warned about the coming of false christ’s and false prophets that would arise, who would appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect, Jesus wanted to be on our guard (Mk 13:22, Mt 24:24). They are those who declare untruths or persons who falsely claim that they themselves are Messiahs. The later is not something that we often see today, we don’t see people walking about claiming to be the second coming of Jesus Christ. Yet there are many who declare untruths, those who deny Jesus as the Christ and John wants believers to be aware of the danger and be wise about it for there are those who claim to be ministers of the gospel yet they deny the deity of Jesus, they say all roads lead to heaven, they teach untruths and they are leading people astray whether they are aware of it or not. John mentioned this so that they would be prepared for that which would threaten their faith, that they would hold on to Word of life and not be swayed by the nonsense being spouted, the false teachers, the antichrists. We are to recognise our adversaries. For all of us it is so important, we have so many things in this life vying for our attention, so many famous speakers, so many books available, so many podcasts and blogs, we need to know what we are dealing with, antichrists who teach untruths, who in this last hour will become more and more to the forefront, often subtly deceiving, watch out, be on your guard people of God! Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q11 What are God’ s works of providence? God’ s works of providence are, his most holy, (Ps. 145:17) wise, (Ps. 104:24, Isa. 28:29) and powerful preserving, (Heb. 1:3) and governing all his creatures, and all their actions. (Ps. 103:19, Matt. 10:29–31) Day 231
Pray (ACts) Read - 2 Corinthians 9 Message - Scott Woodburn Some of you will get this, some not, but bear with me. What was the difference between Ross and Rachel? Rachel would never have made a list. I'll not bore you with a detailed explanation of that reference, simply to say that Ross needed some convincing while Rachel did not. As far as today's passage goes, Paul didn't have a list either, he was utterly convinced that the Corinthians would act to support the church catholic. He begins by saying it is superfluous (sue-pur-floo-us) for him to write about this (v1). It is unnecessary, it is needless. How so? The Corinthians (and the wider church in the region of Achaia) have been ready since last year to provide help (v2). Indeed Paul has told the church in Macedonia of this fact and so Corinthian zealousness had stirred up similar readiness elsewhere. So in light of this Paul sends Titus and two other brothers (2 Corinthians 8) to gather up the Corinthian collection for the poor in Judea (v3). He had no desire for his claims to be found empty (v3) and wanted to give the Corinthians time to get ready and be fully prepared (v3b). Imagine the humiliation if the Corinthians had been visited by the Macedonians and the collection was only 75% complete? (v4) It would be like an American State taking days to count votes. To avoid any embarrassment, Paul sends the brothers on ahead (v5a) to ensure that the promised Corinthian gift is ready and willing to go (v5b). It would be given freely and generously and couldn't be called an exaction (v5c). An exaction? What does Paul mean? At home on the odd occasion individuals would call at the door with a collection jar urging a donation for loyalist prisoners. At other times the collection would be for band uniforms for a brand new marching band that you would never hear about again. The average person didn't want to give money but felt it was probably cheaper to put a few coins in the jar rather than replace mysteriously smashed windows at a later stage. This was an exaction. An unjust and imposed demand. The Corinthians would not be exacted, instead they, with zeal and readiness, would excel in giving to the work of the church. May we share in their zeal and be always ready to give to the work of the Lord. Our pension pot may seem like a more useful place to store our treasure and when things are tight we naturally prefer to batten down the hatches at home before giving to the outside. Yet I simply ask is there anything of more value than Christ? His kingdom is the only one that will last and any investment in His kingdom will never be lost. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q10 How did God create man? God created man male and female, after his own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, with dominion over the creatures. Day 230
Pray (ACts) Read - 1 John 2:18a Message - Alan Burke 2020 has came and thrown us curve ball after curve ball, yet life goes on. Yes everyday life has changed in ways that we could have never expected, we may even have learnt lessons from this year but the Covid-19 pandemic that has swept across the whole world has made us aware of the finite and uncertain nature of our lives. As John continues, his pastoral concern is at the forefront of all that he is writing, now he brings their attention to something that he wants them to be aware of, he wants them to know the times that they are subsequently we are living in. Look back to what John has just said in verse seventeen and you will see how he has already told us that this world and its desires are passing away, literally perishing. Now he tells us here in verse eighteen that this is the last hour. Put these two together and John is communicating to us that this world is approaching its end and the time is almost up. You may think to yourself, two thousand years have past since this was written, but John isn’t giving us a time scale, rather he is speaking of the truth of how the world is approaching its end and the time is almost up both figuratively and literally. Figuratively in regards to the last hour for we do not measure God’s time by our clocks, after all a year is like a thousand years with the Lord (2 Pet 3:8). But also speaking literally in how the world is passing away (1 Cor 7:31) and in doing so he is stressing to his readers and to us that there is an urgency of what he speaks, an urgency in the time in which we live. This world is coming to an end, not because of our consumerism and materialism that is filling the oceans with plastic, causing the ice caps to melt because of global warming but because Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead in final judgement separating the sheep from the goats, those who have trusted in him and those who have not (Matt 25:31-46). We now live between times, Christ has come and he is coming again. John wrote out of concern because of this truth, for the hour is coming, the end is near. He wants us to be in no doubt that right now, whether two thousand years ago or today, we await the second coming of Christ. If 2020 has taught us anything it is that we cannot predict what the future will bring, none of us were prepared for or expected a pandemic that swept across the whole world, it has made us all aware of the finite nature of our lives once more. Pandemic or not, although we cannot predict the date we can be assured that Christ will return for these are the last days as Paul and Peter make clear and that John calls the last hour, the clock is ticking. Every hour that passes is an hour closer to his return or to the day that we will stand before him when this life comes to an end and as a result there is an urgency in the message of the Gospel of Christ. Have you heard it, responded to it? For all of us time is running out, not only because we age and how our lives will come to an end but also time is running out for the world itself. We weren’t prepared for a pandemic, we didn’t expect it, but we can be prepared for the second coming of Christ and we should expect it for these are the last days. We need to recognise the time that we live in. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q9 What is the work of creation? The work of creation is, God’ s making all things of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six days, and all very good. (Gen. 1, Heb. 11:3) Day 228
Pray (ACts) Read - 2 Corinthians 8 Message - Scott Woodburn Today is Saturday 7th November 2020. You've perhaps had a quiet morning in the conservatory and enjoyed/endured your other half's homemade pancakes and soon you'll close your eyes for a nap on this sleepy November morning. I'm writing this devotion days before and because I'm not a prophet I can no more predict how you will spend your morning than I can predict who will be the next American President. And yet...all things being the time this devotion is the time you've had your breakfast...Trump will have won "four more years" or America will have turned to Biden as the next resident President of the White House. My mother used to tell me that "you don't ask people who they vote for." but let me ask you...who would you have voted for in the election that took place at the beginning of the week? Don't text me, don't email, don't phone, I'll not be putting a spreadsheet together to collate your choices but let me simply say that most of us don't consider a candidate's policies but instead we choose based on whether we like the individual or not. Character often trumps all else. Let me ask you another question...if your church had raised a substantial amount for a fellowship in Jerusalem and that money would be delivered on foot and in person...who would pick for the task? For Paul it would always be a question of character and so he sends Titus back to Corinth to collect the money raised for the suffering church in Judea. What can be said about Titus? He shared Paul's care for the Corinthians (v16) and he accepted the task before him willingly (v17). Yet Titus won't travel alone, he is accompanied by someone who is actually quite famous (v18). Does Paul place a man's fame over and above a man's character? By no means. This nameless individual is famous in the eyes of the church because of his preaching of the Gospel. Indeed this preacher will make the journey with the full confidence of the church of Jesus Christ. He has been appointed by them to carry out this task for the glory of the Lord (v19). Why go to such lengths? As this money is distributed to the poor there can be no room for accusation, no blame, no rumour or inneuendo. The character of these men is important and the integrity of their work should not be called into question. Everything carried out should be honourable in the sight of God and in the sight of the world (v20-21). The two will become three as another nameless brother is sent on this mission (v22). His name is known now only to the Lord but we can still be sure that he was another individual of integrity and character. He had been tested by Paul himself and not found wanting and now, traveller number three, shares Paul's concern for Corinth. The two or three is a Biblical standard for truth (2 Corinthians 13v1) and now these men should be welcomed by the Corinthians and should have Corinthian confidence placed in them (v23). Indeed the Corinthians are to show these men why it is that Paul boasts about the Corinthian church (v24). Regardless this week of Trump or Biden, let me remind you of the words of another American, Martin Luther King "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." It is character that remains vital in the Christian church. Just because a man has talent doesn't mean he should lead. Just because a woman is our friend doesn't mean she should be excused. Just because a man is famous doesn't mean his word should never be tested. May our dealings in the church and in the world always be honourable and always seek to bring further glory to the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q8 How doth God execute his decrees? God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence. |