Year 2 Day 159
Pray (ACts) Read - John 1v35-42 Message - Scott Woodburn There weren’t any accidents in your salvation. It wasn’t by chance that your grandmother shared the Gospel with you and it wasn’t a random bit of luck that saw the preacher speak the Gospel into your ears. Salvation belongs to the Lord and He will call all of those whom He has ordained for salvation. The Apostle Andrew followed John the Baptist before he followed Christ. Andrew was a fisherman and the brother of Peter. He would lose his life crucified on an X shaped cross. Andrew stood one day with John the Baptist as Jesus walked past, causing John to exclaim “Behold the Lamb of God!” (v36) Andrew’s teacher was correct, Jesus was and is the Lamb of God and so immediately Andrew began to follow Christ (v37). The Lord enquires of Andrew and the other young man “What are you seeking?” (v38) and they respond by saying “Rabbi where are you staying?” (v38b). Their words show that they recognise Christ as a teacher of men and they wish to stay with him to sit under His teaching. Their wish is granted as Jesus spends the day with his two new followers (v39). We do not know what Christ told Andrew that day but we certainly see its impact. He seeks out his brother Simon Peter and declares to him “We have found the Messiah” (v41). Indeed Andrew doesn’t just tell Simon Peter about the Messiah, Andrew brings his brother to Jesus too (v42). Not one part of this account is accidental. As Jesus walks past, John the Baptist declares to his disciples that Jesus is the Lamb of God. Andrew follows Him. Christ spends the day with his followers. Andrew leaves to bring Peter to see for himself. Jesus would later say ”All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” (John 6v37) Every word is true. In eternity past the Father gave a people to the Son and those people would be called in time by the Spirit. It was the case for Andrew and Peter and it was the case for you. Your Sunday school teacher’s faithfulness wasn’t an accident. Your minister’s preaching was not in vain. Your mother’s testimony did not fall on deaf ears. The Lord was at work long before you paid any attention to Him. Everyone for whom Christ died will be saved. We are humbled by this as we remember that Christ died for those who were His enemies. We are thankful for this truth as we remember those who the Lord sent into our life to preach the Gospel. We are challenged by this as we remember the preciousness of Christ and the necessity to be much in prayer and much in proclamation. Brothers and sisters may we not be content to go to heaven alone. May the Lord give us opportunities to bring others to see Jesus and may we have the zeal and courage to take those opportunities. The message has not changed, to our friends, families and neighbours we say “Behold the Lamb of God!” Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q46 What is required in the first commandment? The first commandment requireth us to know and acknowledge God to be the only true God, and our God, and to worship and glorify him accordingly.
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