Year 2 Day 201
Pray (ACts) Read - Genesis 6 Message - Scott Woodburn Genesis 6 has long been a favourite chapter of many because it seems to be full of ancient historical mystery. Some argue that it tells the tale of fallen angels who possess sinful humans and produce as their offspring great and mighty giants. Perhaps you’ve heard these stories? I’m sorry to disappoint you by saying that this chapter isn’t as mysterious as you’ve heard. As the chapter begins we hear that humanity is growing in number across the earth (v1) and soon the “sons of God” see that the “daughters of man” are attractive and claim them as wives (v2). Its here that some build a case for angels taking women as wives. While it is true to say that in the Old Testament “sons of God” usually means angels - it doesn’t in this particular case. Why not? Firstly, we haven’t yet heard anything about the angels and it would seem a bit of a jump to suggest that Moses is here introducing God’s heavenly host. Secondly, nowhere in the Scriptures do we see angels engaging in sexual intercourse or marriage (Matthew 22v30). Thirdly and most importantly, to claim that “sons of God” in Genesis 6 means “angels” is to rip this passage out of its setting. What is that setting? We’ve already heard about the seed of the woman and the seed of the devil. We have witnessed Cain’s sin as he killed his brother Abel and we’ve also seen the birth of Seth continuing the promise of God. So these verses aren’t about sinful angels but rather sinful humanity and the ancient story of the City of God against the City of Man. The “sons of God” refers to the descendants of Seth who sinfully take wives from the “daughters of man”. To use Paul’s language - this is an unequal yoke (2 Corinthians 6v14). A Christian should seek to marry only another Christian. The descendants of Seth were throwing off the shackles due to the beauty of the daughters of the children of men. If the women were beautiful then the men were mighty. Moses tells us that in those ancient days the “nephilim” were on the earth. These were not some angel-human hybrid but instead men of giant stature and men who did impressive things (v4). The picture looks positive…beautiful couples, beautiful children, mighty and giant men…what’s the problem? The Lord looked and He didn’t see that everything was well. He judged the earth and found only wickedness. Mankind thought and acted wickedly continually. The Lord’s response was to bring His judgement to bear and to destroy the world with a global flood (v17). Thankfully even in a sea of wickedness there was one righteous man. His name was Noah and he was to build an ark which would save his family and the animals of the earth. There’s a saying ”all that glitters isn’t gold” and I think it is appropriate for the world we live in. Humanity has never seen such technology and advancement and yet humanity remains desperately wicked. We’ll see in a later chapter that we need not fear another flood, yet we know that God’s judgement remains. A day is coming that our wicked generation will join every other wicked generation standing before Christ. On that great and terrible day only those who have received Jesus by faith will stand. Christ is the true giant upon the earth. Christ’s deeds make those of humanity look like nonsense. Christ would take for His bride the redeemed peoples of earth and it is Christ who is the only righteous man and the ark for God’s people. A flood of wrath is coming. Climb upon Christ’s shoulders and be saved. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q. 82. Is any man able perfectly to keep the commandments of God? A. No mere man since the fall is able in this life perfectly to keep the commandments of God, but doth daily break them in thought, word, and deed.
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