CEMETERY RULES - (Reviewed and agreed February 2024)
1. The Cemetery is the property of the Trustees of Lissara Presbyterian Church and new burial and cremation plots are reserved only for the use of members of the Congregation.
2. A member of the above Congregation, for the purpose of the Cemetery Rules, is defined as one who has contributed more than £100 per year to the Freewill offering of the Church for the past five years.
3. Only one person can be the registered holder of a grave plot and he/she cannot transfer this to anyone other than a member of his/her own family. For the purposes of the cemetery rules immediate family member is defined as husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister. Anyone wishing to transfer a plot must always consult the Cemetery Registrar for approval so that it may be properly registered.
4. New burial and cremation plots are reserved only for members of this Congregation.
5. The administration charge for each opening of burial or cremation plots will be;
(a) Where the member has contributed more than £100 to the Freewill Offering of the Church for the past financial year the administration charge will be £150
(b) Where the member has contributed between £50 and £100 to the Freewill Offering of the Church for the past financial year the administration charge will be £450.
(c) Where the member has contributed less than £50 to the Freewill Offering of the Church for the past financial year the administration charge will be £650
(d) Where a person ceases to be a member of this Congregation, he/she maintains the privilege of burial in the grave plot of which he/she was previously the registered holder for a contribution of £750 for each interment.
(e) Where the request is to bury a cremation urn in a grave plot, the charge under condition (a) above will be £150. In all other circumstances described in (b) – (d) the charge will be £250.
6. Permission to open a burial or cremation plot will not be granted until payment is made to the Cemetery Registrar.
7. Family plots can be claimed and registered within a family on production of written agreement from all family members. A registration fee of £50.00 per plot is chargeable.
8. A registered plot holder who is a member of the congregation, for the purpose of the Cemetery rules, as detailed in Rule 2, has permission to bury an immediate family member in this grave plot, subject to the Administration charges detailed in Rule 5. For the purpose of the Cemetery rules immediate family member is defined as husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister.
9. The opening of graves or cremation plots can only be authorised by the Cemetery Registrar or persons commissioned by him/her. Such permission must always be in accordance with all Cemetery Rules. The charges mentioned in these rules do not include the cost of the actual opening a grave or cremation plot.
10. Permission to erect headstones or surrounds must be obtained from the Congregational Committee. The proposed memorials including all wording must be submitted to the Cemetery Registrar, before the commencement of any work, for approval. An administrative charge of £100 will be made for each application. Any unauthorised memorials will be removed and all associated costs will be levied to the plot holder. The Congregational Committee reserves the right not to permit further interments in the burial or cremation plot until these costs have been repaid.
11. No memorial or other such items, other than those specifically approved by the Congregational Committee are permitted to be left on graves or cremation plots. Fresh or artificial flowers, pot plants in a container no larger than 12” are permitted. Planting within the curtilage of the grave plot is discouraged but if planting is carried out and is not properly maintained the Congregational Committee reserves the right to remove this planting. The Congregational Committee retains the right to remove and dispose of any un-permitted items left on grave or cremation plots.
12. The Congregational Committee cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to memorials erected by the holders of grave plots. It is also required that holders of grave plots keep them neat and tidy, and remove any waste to the skip provided.
13. Contractors or other persons erecting a headstone or surround, or making alterations to grave plots must contact the Cemetery Registrar prior to commencement of the work. All surplus materials must be removed from the Cemetery and the Contractors will be held responsible for any damage caused to the Cemetery.
14. Those visiting the Cemetery are expected to ensure that the Cemetery is kept clean and tidy. Parents are asked to ensure that children do not interfere with or play on surrounding graves or cremation plots.
15. All deed holders should ensure that their names are registered in the Cemetery Register.
16. Funeral services in the Cemetery, or in the Church, can only be carried out by the Minister of the Lissara Congregation or someone authorised by him/her who has a reformed understanding of scripture. He/she must be consulted personally before any arrangements are made.
17. In all cases of dispute concerning allocation of graves or management of the Cemetery, the decision of the Congregational Committee is final.
18. The Congregational Committee shall be at liberty to alter any of the above rules, fees, etc., as circumstances arise.
19. Fees will be reviewed as required to ensure that the Cemetery income is sufficient to cover all maintenance and capital costs.
20. The Congregational Committee will formally review these rules annually.
2. A member of the above Congregation, for the purpose of the Cemetery Rules, is defined as one who has contributed more than £100 per year to the Freewill offering of the Church for the past five years.
3. Only one person can be the registered holder of a grave plot and he/she cannot transfer this to anyone other than a member of his/her own family. For the purposes of the cemetery rules immediate family member is defined as husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister. Anyone wishing to transfer a plot must always consult the Cemetery Registrar for approval so that it may be properly registered.
4. New burial and cremation plots are reserved only for members of this Congregation.
- The charge for a new burial plot will be £250 per plot.
- The charge for a cremation plot will be £250 per plot. This includes the cost of the decorative granite tile but not the cost of engraving or opening the cremation plot.
5. The administration charge for each opening of burial or cremation plots will be;
(a) Where the member has contributed more than £100 to the Freewill Offering of the Church for the past financial year the administration charge will be £150
(b) Where the member has contributed between £50 and £100 to the Freewill Offering of the Church for the past financial year the administration charge will be £450.
(c) Where the member has contributed less than £50 to the Freewill Offering of the Church for the past financial year the administration charge will be £650
(d) Where a person ceases to be a member of this Congregation, he/she maintains the privilege of burial in the grave plot of which he/she was previously the registered holder for a contribution of £750 for each interment.
(e) Where the request is to bury a cremation urn in a grave plot, the charge under condition (a) above will be £150. In all other circumstances described in (b) – (d) the charge will be £250.
6. Permission to open a burial or cremation plot will not be granted until payment is made to the Cemetery Registrar.
7. Family plots can be claimed and registered within a family on production of written agreement from all family members. A registration fee of £50.00 per plot is chargeable.
8. A registered plot holder who is a member of the congregation, for the purpose of the Cemetery rules, as detailed in Rule 2, has permission to bury an immediate family member in this grave plot, subject to the Administration charges detailed in Rule 5. For the purpose of the Cemetery rules immediate family member is defined as husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister.
9. The opening of graves or cremation plots can only be authorised by the Cemetery Registrar or persons commissioned by him/her. Such permission must always be in accordance with all Cemetery Rules. The charges mentioned in these rules do not include the cost of the actual opening a grave or cremation plot.
10. Permission to erect headstones or surrounds must be obtained from the Congregational Committee. The proposed memorials including all wording must be submitted to the Cemetery Registrar, before the commencement of any work, for approval. An administrative charge of £100 will be made for each application. Any unauthorised memorials will be removed and all associated costs will be levied to the plot holder. The Congregational Committee reserves the right not to permit further interments in the burial or cremation plot until these costs have been repaid.
11. No memorial or other such items, other than those specifically approved by the Congregational Committee are permitted to be left on graves or cremation plots. Fresh or artificial flowers, pot plants in a container no larger than 12” are permitted. Planting within the curtilage of the grave plot is discouraged but if planting is carried out and is not properly maintained the Congregational Committee reserves the right to remove this planting. The Congregational Committee retains the right to remove and dispose of any un-permitted items left on grave or cremation plots.
12. The Congregational Committee cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to memorials erected by the holders of grave plots. It is also required that holders of grave plots keep them neat and tidy, and remove any waste to the skip provided.
13. Contractors or other persons erecting a headstone or surround, or making alterations to grave plots must contact the Cemetery Registrar prior to commencement of the work. All surplus materials must be removed from the Cemetery and the Contractors will be held responsible for any damage caused to the Cemetery.
14. Those visiting the Cemetery are expected to ensure that the Cemetery is kept clean and tidy. Parents are asked to ensure that children do not interfere with or play on surrounding graves or cremation plots.
15. All deed holders should ensure that their names are registered in the Cemetery Register.
16. Funeral services in the Cemetery, or in the Church, can only be carried out by the Minister of the Lissara Congregation or someone authorised by him/her who has a reformed understanding of scripture. He/she must be consulted personally before any arrangements are made.
17. In all cases of dispute concerning allocation of graves or management of the Cemetery, the decision of the Congregational Committee is final.
18. The Congregational Committee shall be at liberty to alter any of the above rules, fees, etc., as circumstances arise.
19. Fees will be reviewed as required to ensure that the Cemetery income is sufficient to cover all maintenance and capital costs.
20. The Congregational Committee will formally review these rules annually.