31st January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read - (1 John 4:1-6 focus v2-3) Message (Alan Burke) There are many times I sit and have to think how I’m going to start these devotions and todays been one of those days so I’ll just throw this out there and I’m bound to get anonymous letters for it, phone calls with heavy breathing and nobody speaking but here goes. Did you know that I’m anti the proposed Ballynahinch bypass, not that the bypass will be built in my life time the way things work in this country but I’m anti it, against it, I might start an anti-bypass Facebook group, maybe dig myself into the hill side and make a fort the kind of thing that happens in England to try and delay it even further. Ok I’m not really anti-bypass especially the one in Ballynahinch as I hate when I’m suck in what seems like a carpark there, so for all you readers in Ballynahinch no anonymous letters or phone calls with heavy breathing or the like, please I was only messing with you. We know that Anti means against, right now in this world, in this land and even in the church there are many antichrists, those who are anti ie against Christ. John has just warned of the necessity to test the spirits, to test what we are being told in the church and while the situation that the church John wrote to may be unlike the one our church faces there are things that we can learn from it. What the church were facing in John’s day was a heresy known as docetism. In short it is a view that the Son of God Jesus Christ only appeared to have a human body, he was not truly human as the son of God and it was only an illusion. Why docetism was such an egregious heresy is that if you take away the virgin birth, you take away our once-for-all-time perfect sacrifice. You take away our hope. You take away our atonement for sin. The docetists denied this truth and John makes it clear that those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as the son of God, do not acknowledge the truth of the incarnation son of God, well they are not from God. All because those who were dying the truth of the incarnation were denying an essential of the Christian faith, essential to Christian discipleship, if Jesus is not true God and true man then his crucifixion is of nothing more than a historical fact and not a reality that makes one bit of difference in our lives. For those who were coming to the church, who claimed to be from God they were showing they have the spirit of the antichrist. John had already touched on how this was the last hour how many antichrists have come back in chapter 2 (1 Jn 2:18). What do we mean by antichrist, well in scripture we are warned about the antichrist and antichrists. Before Christ’s second coming there will be a completely evil man who will arise, the antichrist. He will be Satan’s tool, equipped with Satan’s power, Paul uses the term ‘man of lawlessness’ and he will proclaim himself as God (2 Thess 2:3-4,9). This will be the Antichrist, the one who will gather together anti-christian forces in opposition to Christ and his Church, some argue whether it is an individual or an all pervading ideology but it still awaits the church in our future. There are also antichrists, and what John means by saying that these people have the spirit of the antichrist is that they are those who deny Christ and as a result they are antichrists. They are hose who are not the children of God, those who are of the world, of the ruler of this age. It wasn’t just to the church to whom John wrote that they face antichrist’s there are antichrists in every age, Jesus himself warned his followers of their coming, Jesus wanted to be on our guard (Mk 13:22, Mt 24:24). Sadly we see the spirit of the antichrist all too often today even in those who claim to be ministers of the gospel, they deny the deity of Jesus, they deny the incarnation they say all roads lead to heaven, they teach untruths that Jesus taught about they are leading people astray whether they are aware of it or not. John’s focus is that the church would be prepared, that we would be on our guard, that they would be able to test and know to watch out because they threaten the faith of the believer, the threaten the fellowship of the church. Antichrists are often wolves in sheep’s clothing and John wants believers to recognise them, to compare what they say and what they do with the scriptures. We are to be on our guard, not just accepting what we hear as gospel for not all those who claim to preach the gospel or teach the gospel do so. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q56 What is the reason annexed to the third commandment? The reason annexed to the third commandment is, That however the breakers of this commandment may escape punishment from men, yet the Lord our God will not suffer them to escape his righteous judgment. (1 Sam. 2:12,17,22,29, 1 Sam. 3:13, Deut. 28:58–59)
30th January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ecclesiastes 3v16-17) Message (Scott Woodburn) The murder of James Bulger took place on 12th February 1993. James was only two years old and he was lured away from his mother by two ten year old boys. The little boy was taken and subjected to a horrendous ordeal before being murdered and left on railway tracks like a discarded toy. James Bulger was just a child whose life was snuffed out in an extraordinarily wicked and evil manner. Solomon knew nothing about the terrible events of February 12th 1993 but he was certainly correct when he wrote that in the place of both justice and righteousness there was wickedness (v16). We know this to be true as well. I'll not list the injustices of this world but we know them and lament them. Wickedness abounds and often it seems to win. In his heart, Solomon whispered truth in the face of the world's wickedness. He said "God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work." (v17). I am sure that wickedness will one day receive its due reward. At Christ's return everyone who has ever lived will be called to stand before His throne. To those on His right, He will declare them righteous and send them to glory. To those on His left, He will condemn them and send them to the place called Hell. The day of judgement will be the glorious day that wickedness will no longer dwell in the place of justice and righteousness. Every evil deed will be brought into the light and humanity will stand before the righteous gaze of Jesus. The wicked won't be able to hide, they won't get off scot free and there will be no early release. I don't make light of the last day, it should cause all of us to tremble. Even so, the child of God has nothing to fear. The one who has received Christ stands forgiven of their own wicked deeds and the Lamb's blood has cleansed them whiter than the driven snow. But to the one who rejects Jesus, let me warn you with all seriousness. You may not be guilty of the heinous acts that blight this world but you are a sinner in need of God's grace. Fall before Him today, for surely a day is coming that He will call you to account. On that great and terrible day there will be nowhere to hide. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q55 What is forbidden in the third commandment? The third commandment forbiddeth all profaning or abusing of anything whereby God maketh himself known. 29th January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read - (1 John 4:1-6) Message (Alan Burke) Some time ago I was accused of being a liar by someone who had no reason to doubt what I had said but apparently what they heard from my lips that they found so unbelievable that they had to verify it for themselves. In a sense I was reassured that they took the effort to check out what I had said for themselves but the thing that really got to me was that they were more concerned with the truthfulness of an illustration than anything else I had said that day and came to me and told me that they had to check it out for themselves because it was so unbelievable. The inference was of course most of the time they don’t believe a word I say but I can guarantee they have never ever doubted the truthfulness of some of the so called christian books written by so called christian authors that they have read sitting on their shelf that I know talk an absolute nonsense and yet they had an issue with an illustration, it’s madness! I’ll get over it honest, but there is a reason why I start this way, because here John as he writes to the church tells the church, not to believe every spirit but to test them to see if they are from God. The reason of course is simple, as he goes on to state there are many false prophets who have gone into the world. The truth matters, an illustration not so much but the truth of the gospel of its teaching and as a result believers are to test what they hear. While those to whom John wrote as he had said at the end of chapter three had the Spirit of God there are others who claimed that they had the spirit of God but they didn’t and because of this John encourages the church to have decrement, they are to test the spirits, those who come to them to see if they are from God. This isn’t the first time that John has warned the church of the reality of false prophets, false teachers. Back to chapter 2 John warned about those who were trying to lead the church astray (2:26). The church to whom John writes had resisted being led astray but had doubts as a result for the false teachers had undermined the truth and it was important for them to be on the lookout, to be ready, able and willing to assess what they hear because they need to know that there were those who were trying to deceive them. Jesus likewise warned that false Christ's and false prophets would appear and try to deceive (Mk 13:22), and the church that John wrote to were experiencing the fulfilment of that. We need to heed the warning that Jesus has given us, to heed the warning of John, we are to be on our guard as Jesus warned his disciples and he warned us of what would take place ahead of time so we could be prepared (Mk 13:23). So just as the believers that John first wrote to were to test the spirits to see if they are from God because there were many false prophets in this world we are to do likewise. It is because the truth matters, the truth is important that we are to test what we hear. In this world right now false teachers, false prophets abound, they may from the outside look the part, they may wear fancy robes, have perfect credentials but they are trying to take the appearance of something they are not. Jesus warned his followers in Matthew’s gospel; “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” We need to test the popular names of which some are best selling so called christian authors but are nothing more than false prophets who have gone out into the world but they sell millions of books and make money so they are rarely questioned. As believers we should be those who are desiring to grow in our knowledge and love of the Lord, we should be those who are in the scriptures, who know the scriptures, who know the truth and desire to know more and have our beliefs corrected by the word of God. Are you showing discernment, heeding the warning of John and your saviour Jesus Christ about false teachers? Sometimes that might mean you have to leave the fellowship your family have been part of for generations because of just how important the truth is. An illustration is one thing but the truth of the gospel matters. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q54 What is required in the third commandment? The third commandment requireth the holy and reverent use of God’ s names, (Matt. 6:9, Deut. 28:58) titles, (Ps. 68:4) attributes, (Rev. 15:3–4) ordinances, (Mal. 1:11,14) Word, (Ps. 138:1–2) and works. (Job 36:24) 27th January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ecclesiastes 3v11) Message (Scott Woodburn) I have no idea why I studied Computer Science at University. Whilst I had some interest in computers, my real passion at that stage was history. I know history isn't for everyone but I can get lost in a history book and find certain periods of human history fascinating. Yet the study of history isn't just an exercise in learning facts about the past, history also speaks to the present and future. It was George Santayana who famously said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” or in other words we would do well to learn history's lessons so that we can avoid history's mistakes. Humanity is alone in it's desire to understand history and in it's wondering about tomorrow. Consider your dog, she doesn't care about the fall of the Roman empire but she does get excited when she hears the word "walk" The birds in the sky know nothing about Winston Churchill but do know that there is a nice lady who feeds them with crusts. Animals do not consider the past and don't go to bed worrying about tomorrow - these are uniquely human pursuits. Why is this so? Because God has put eternity into our hearts (v11). Sometimes this has been taken to mean that humans know there is a heaven and long for it with some kind of wistful ache. Whilst that is a nice thought, we know it isn't true for everyone. Instead, Solomon wrote to explain the wonderings of the human heart. We read and study the past, we contemplate our place in today's world and we think and dream about the future. Humanity has eternity in it's heart and yet we still cannot figure out the immensity of God's eternal plan (v11b). It is humbling to realise that we are always operating without the full information. Do you remember when your dad refused to look at the instructions and insisted that he would build the Ikea bookcase without help? We're all like that. We have but a tiny picture of human history and the plans of Almighty God. We do not know what it was like in the beginning and we have no clue about the exact time of the end. If human history was a thousand page book, we have been given just three words from page six hundred and thirty two. But thanks be to God for while we don't know it all, we know enough. Paul would write "when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons." (Galatians 4v4-5) I do not know what it was like when God called the universe into existence and I can only imagine the day that a human being sets foot on Mars but I do know what Christ did in "the fullness of time" Jesus lived, died and rose so that all who trust in Him have a glorious eternity. You can't know everything but you can know Christ. Call upon Him while it is still called today. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q53 Which is the third commandment? The third commandment is, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 26th January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read - (1 John 3:21-24 focus v23-24) Message (Alan Burke) There are at times it seems to me at least a disconnect between what people say and do, what they profess and how they live. Here we are told that we must believe and we must live accordingly which isn’t rocket science it is a fairly basic idea. Like if you know today it’s going to lash outside and you’ve got to go do a message you’re going to wear a coat, take an umbrella or see if you can put it off and just not go outside. What we believe when it comes to the weather impacts how we live and it should be the same in the children of God. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, to believe as we are told in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ. Not simply a belief in God for as we are told in James “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.” (2:19), no we are to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ in a way that substantially chances our lives. For to believe in the name is to believe also in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. To believe in Jesus means that you hear the claims that he made, the truths that he taught and you live accordingly, like loving your enemies (Mt 5:43-47), that he Jesus is the only way to God (Jn 14:6), those are only two, going through the gospels and his teaching that is passed on to us by the apostles there is much much more for us than simply believing in the concept of God and his Son Jesus Christ. Believing in the name of Jesus Christ means that we confess him to be our Lord, we live as if he is our Lord, we live accordingly, we witness to who he is in our lives as the rightful ruler of our lives and the kings of the earth (Rev 1:5). If we believe in his Son then were are to love one another, when we are rightly orientated in our lives believing in his son then we know what love is, look back to verse 16; This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. (1 Jn 3:16). Just as our saviour Jesus Christ showed a self giving, sacrificial love we to are to show that love in our lives, it is a love that transforms us, from death to life, from hatred to love a love that means we give up our self will, our self interest, the times when it is costly, the countless little opportunities that we have. And we love one another as he commanded. John has been primarily dealing with the church here in this section and the challenge that came to us a couple of weeks ago is the command to love our brothers, the implication is that we love those who are in Christ Jesus, our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Are we loving as we have been loved? Then in v24 John focuses again on assurance, how we as believers have assurance in our lives and that comes from obedience, obedience to the commands of our Lord. For those who are the children of God they live in a certain way, they live lives that are distinguished from the children of the devil, we remain faithful to the word of God before us. Now of course that doesn’t mean that from time to time we wont get in wrong, we wont fall into sin but we are desiring to obey the word of God before us. But it is more than that we also have the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit within us, the Spirit that he gives to his children who live by faith. It is the Spirit within us that gives us assurance when the devil accuses us, our conscience condemn us. The testimony of the Spirit within us is separate from the outward testimony, our personal holiness, it is the indwelling Spirit that gives our hearts as we believe and as we live for our Lord. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q52 What are the reasons annexed to the second commandment? The reasons annexed to the second commandment are, God’ s sovereignty over us, (Ps. 95:2–3) his propriety in us, (Ps. 45:11) and the zeal he hath to his own worship. (Exod. 34:13–14) 25th January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ecclesiastes 3v9-15) Message (Scott Woodburn) I hope I'll never forget where I was on July 6th 2023 for it was on that day that I got to walk around Rome's Colosseum for the first time. It was a breathtaking experience and I was almost overwhelmed as I attempted to take in the size, scale and beauty of the ancient arena. Just days before my trip some British tourists made the news due to their own to the Colosseum. Why? They thought it would be a good idea to write their names on one of the Colosseum’s walls. Needless to say, the Italians didn’t take too kindly to the actions of the foolish tourists. The Colosseum is incredibly majestic and beautiful but it isn’t what it used to be. When the arena was opened in 80AD it was complete, covered in brass and didn't have the names of British tourists scratched into its walls. We can only imagine the beauty of such a structure when it was in its prime and glistening in the Roman sun. Is the Colosseum worth seeing? Absolutely, but if you think it is beautiful now, what a sight it would have been in its prime. Nothing can keep its glory forever. The Lord has made everything beautiful in its time (v11) but people and buildings always wear out. The worker works everyday but his body slows and ages and the work of his hands will one day disappear. What gain does the worker have from his toil (v9)? Solomon’s counsel is for us to live joyfully, do good, enjoy our food and try to take some form of pleasure in our work (v12-13). This is not only possible and desirable but also God’s gift to humanity (v13b). As we remind ourselves of our limits, Solomon reminds us of our limitless God. He wrote "I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him." (v14) God and His work knows no limit and the Lord pays no mind to the ever ticking clock. The world and the deeds done on it constantly repeat and over the ages the Lord "seeks what has been driven away" or in other words, the Lord sees history repeat itself time and time again. Time might seem to be our master with its cruel hand changing our bodies and our buildings but in response we should fear the timeless God (v14). When you consider God's timelessness what emotion is roused? When you consider the size and scale of the universe how do you feel? The grey hair reminds us that we are frail, the expansive sky reminds us to fear God. As the clock ticks without ceasing strive to live joyfully, do good, enjoy your food, try to take some form of pleasure in your work but most of all, fear God. The Colosseum will one day fall but the Word of the Lord stands forever and this same Word declares God's glory on every page. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q51 What is forbidden in the second commandment? The second commandment forbiddeth the worshipping of God by images, or any other way not appointed in his Word. 24th January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read - (1 John 3:21-24 focus v22) Message (Alan Burke) I remember as a wain playing of my parents and grandparents of each other because there was something I really really wanted but all my attempts, requests, pleading, pestering all fell on deaf ears and I’m still harbouring that disappointment decades later. Now I am a parent and I am able to look back and I know that my parents and grandparents loved me enough not to give into me because they knew me and knew that if they had given me what I wanted I wouldn’t be here today although that only eases the disappointment and does not take it away. I jest to an extent, I’m over it honest but I throw this out here as we come to these verse because we are told now that we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask because maybe it’s just me and that I’m not praying hard enough because there are many times my prayers seem to fall on deaf ears. Is it that I’m not praying hard enough or I’m not obeying his commands and living in a way that pleases him? You might be in the same boat you have things that you’ve come before the Lord with, you’ve longed to see the Lord work, you’ve brought your requests, your requests regarding a child who is ill, for those who you love who are lost, you’ve prayed for the Lord to take you out of the situation that you find yourself in, to intervene in a very real way and you’ve ended up feeling worse because the Lord it seems hasn’t answered and you’ve been left thinking maybe that the issue is you, you haven’t received that which you want, the longing of your heart, so is there something that is wrong with you, maybe the Lord doesn’t hear because of you. If that has ever been the case please know that the Lord hears the prayers of his children, those who are in Christ Jesus, he has lavished his love on us. How then do we understand what John is saying, well when it comes to scripture we need to let scripture interpret scripture, we cannot read this verse in isolation. This is in a sense the same promise that Jesus himself gave to the disciples (Jn 14:13-14). But we are not being taught that we can simply crack out a prayer like rubbing the genies lamp and asking genie to grant us our wish and it will be answered, rather there Jesus was teaching that we are to pray in Jesus name according to the will of God, his will, like when we pray in the Lord’s prayer, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, our prayers are answered in accordance with the will of God, according to his purposes. Just like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he prayed that the cup be taken from him speaking of the wrath of God he would face on the cross for us (Mk 14:36). In this prayer of Jesus we see the tension, the humanity of Jesus and the heart of the son, Jesus prayer is the result of an intense struggle in his humanity and deity, it is a prayer that Jesus prayed that if it was possible to fulfil the plans and purposes of God in another way, that that may be the case. Our Lord and saviour prayed to be spared from what lay ahead but he wasn’t. He went to the cross, the cup was not removed from him and he took the wrath of God for us. When we pray, we acknowledge God’s right to rule. Think to the Lord’s prayer, we pray Lord they will be done, we do not pray, “My will be done”; we pray, “Thy will be done.” When we pray, and whatever we ask we receive from him but the confidence depends on whether what we are asking is within the will of God and that is hard. The truth is I do not know the reason why God has answered some of my prayers and not others. When I’ve prayed for someone to come to saving faith and they have not, when I’ve prayed for someone to be healed and there has been nothing. I’ve prayed for disobedient sinners to come to repentance and it hasn’t happened but I know that I do not understand the mysteries of God’s will or his ways and as a result I do not pray as I should. But I know that he is working all things according to the counsel of his will for his own glory and for the good of those who love him, and that we, as his people, are submitting to and trusting in the working of his providence. We come not as strangers before the Lord God but as his children through faith Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q50 What is required in the second commandment? The second commandment requireth the receiving, observing, and keeping pure and entire, all such religious worship and ordinances as God hath appointed in his Word. (Deut. 32:46, Matt. 28:20, Acts 2:42) 23rd January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ecclesiastes 3v1-8) Message (Scott Woodburn) Orthodox Christian belief does not assert that God made the universe and then disappeared from view. Instead, we believe that the Lord rules over and governs that which He has made. Even more, nothing happens in this world that falls outside of God's will. We call this providence and the shorter catechism defines providence like this "God’s works of providence are, His most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all His creatures, and all their actions." The larger catechism also adds "ordering them, and all their actions, to His own glory." In other words, there is nothing that overtakes you, good or bad that isn't ordered and governed by the Lord. Solomon once described providence so beautifully that in recent history his words have been put to music by Pete Seeger and then more famously by the Byrds. What did Solomon say about providence? "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die;a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal;a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh;a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose;a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate;a time for war, and a time for peace." (v1-8) Solomon's list isn't an exhaustive one but nevertheless, he gave a tremendous summary of life's contours and I'm certain that much of what he said still resonates with us. Just as we are born, so too we must die. Just as there are times of sadness, so too there are times of joy. Just as we mourn at funerals, so too we will dance at weddings. Neither your life or mine is exclusively good or bad. I know we much prefer the good days but only a fool believes that we'll only ever know sunshine. When I consider life's difficulties I'm incredibly thankful for God's providence. I am not captive to fate, I am not unlucky and I am not being punished by the universe. Instead, I trust a God who loves me, gave His Son for me and even now governs my life in such a way that He knows how many hairs are on my head (Matthew 10v30). C.H. Spurgeon once spoke about providence in this way "I believe that every particle of dust that dances in the sunbeam does not move an atom more or less than God wishes." I believe this too and it makes me glad. The universe is in God's hand and even the bad will work out for our good (Romans 8v28). There is a time for everything under the sun. May the Lord strengthen our faith to receive both the sunny and the stormy days. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q49 Which is the second commandment? The second commandment is, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me: and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 22nd January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read - (1 John 3:21-24 focus v21) Message (Alan Burke) Are you a child of God? That might be a question that you from time to time ask of yourself and there are many, even mature believers who have or have lacked assurance and have asked that question from time to time. It can be for varying reasons but as we come once more John deals with the assurance that we as believers can have and know, that comes about because of the love that has been lavished upon us. Knowing this love will give us confidence in what lies ahead. Knowing we are loved will make massive difference in how we approach the Lord our God. As we begin I want you to notice where we left off last week in v20 when John reminded us how we have assurance as we reflect on our lives and even though we will never live to the standards of God the basis for our assurance though rests on God himself, God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. God knows our heart, our motivation, the things that we see as sin and the things that he knows within us that we are oblivious to as sin, yet he receives us not based on our own goodness, but based on the righteousness of Christ Jesus which as been imputed to us, given to us when the Spirit brought us to knew life in Christ Jesus when we were born again. While our hearts condemn us, while others may point fingers at us, God’s promise is that if we have trusted in Jesus alone, if we are repentant for our sins then will spend eternity with him. Why is this assurance necessary, well because our assurance of salvation, our assurance of our status as children of God will impact how we approach the Lord our God. John wants us to have confidence as his children and as we have that confidence it will impact our prayer life. We can come before him asking of our Lord anything, coming boldly, not based on our shortcomings but on his grace. God’s opinion isn’t based on how well we are grading ourselves, how we think that we are doing it is based on what Christ Jesus has done. We know we are loved because of this love that the Father has lavished on us (3:1), that we are his children, our assurance in coming with confidence and having a heart that does not condemn us is not based on us but on what has been done for us in Jesus Christ. In our relationship with the Lord the first thing that goes when we loose confidence, when we have said, done something or not done what we should have is that we as a result lack assurance and it is our prayer life that goes. We think how can we come before God, he knows what I said, what I’ve done. We struggle not with what God has done but that he would love us and he would want us to come with confidence before his throne of grace. Just like in that relationships that becomes strained, distant in our own lives because of things we have done that is what happens in our prayer life, not because the Father loves us less but because of our own consciences condemning us or the Devil accusing us when we have failed to obey and to love. When we are struggling with assurance the first thing that goes is our prayer life, but just having just dealt with assurance, how God is greater than our hearts, that he knows everything we are told to in v20, he knows if we are trying to live for him, if we are seeking to be obedient, if we are trying to live in love then our hearts should not condemn us and we can have confidence before the Lord. Child of God you can have confidence before your Lord this day not because of you but because of Christ. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q48 What are we specially taught by these words [before me] in the first commandment? These words [before me] in the first commandment teach us, That God, who seeth all things, taketh notice of, and is much displeased with, the sin of having any other God. (Ezek. 8:5–6, Ps. 44:20–21) 20th January 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ecclesiastes 2v26) Message (Scott Woodburn) Christians live life under the sun and they know the endless futility of this world but nevertheless, the Christian is blessed abundantly by the Lord. To the one who pleases the Lord, He gives wisdom, knowledge and joy (v26). We have the wisdom to understand that this world is filled with vanity but something better by far is coming. The Lord has given us knowledge of Jesus, He has breathed spiritual life into us and He has set us on the righteous path. Even more, we have a joy that perhaps makes no sense to the world but it fills us with a peace which passes all understanding. The joy of the Lord is one which takes great delight in God and one which cannot be destroyed even when our world crumbles. Not all can say these things. To the sinner the Lord has given the vain business of gathering, collecting and then losing everything to the one who pleases God (v26). Now it is true that Christians also gather and collect. It's also true that the Christian can't take their earthly goods with them when they die. But the difference comes when we compare the eternal hope of the one who loves who the Lord and the one who does not. I have nothing but respect for the man who goes to his work everyday and puts bread on the table for his family. But when that man can no longer work, what was it all for? When that man dies his working life is of no benefit to him and he loses everything. He may have clocked in every single day for thirty years but he never considered Christ and so goes to the place we call Hell. The Bible can be explained as the tale of two cities. On one side you have the city of God called Zion and on the other, the city of man called Babylon. Every human who has ever lived, dwells in Zion by faith in Christ or they dwell in Babylon by their rejection of Christ. The problem with this state of affairs is that Babylon is destined to fall completely (Revelation 14:8). Imagine putting down foundations in Babylon and trusting that your work will last forever - tragically this is a striving after the wind. The one who dwells in Babylon will lose everything, but the Christian will inherit the kingdom of God (Matthew 25:34). The difference couldn't be more stark and it is my hope that everyone who reads this devotion will make sure they have the right address. Jesus calls us to believe and dwell in Zion. Will you come? Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q47 What is forbidden in the first commandment? The first commandment forbiddeth the denying, or not worshipping and glorifying, the true God as God, and our God; and the giving of that worship and glory to any other, which is due to him alone. |