24th June 2023
Pray (ACts) Read (Matthew 24v29-35) Message (Scott Woodburn) The destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in the year 70 was a momentous event foretold by the Lord Jesus. In a deeper fashion it also gave a little glimpse into what the rest of human history would be like. From Christ's first coming until His second, there will be great trouble and tribulation upon the earth and those who love Jesus will see the worst of it. Nevertheless, the Christian is not left without hope. Jesus promised that after the tribulation of the last days there would be astounding natural events to mark the imminent return of Jesus. The sun will grow dark, the moon will not shine in the sky, some stars will fall from heaven and the heavens themselves will shake (v29). Christ's return isn't going to be a quiet affair noticed only by a few - when He comes, nature itself will herald His arrival. When Jesus returns He will be seen clearly by everyone as He comes upon the clouds. Jesus describes this as "the sign of the Son of Man" (v30). What is this sign? Jesus Himself is the sign. There will be a day that Jesus appears in the sky and when He does "the tribes of the earth will mourn" at the sight of Him (v30). Why will the nations mourn? Because they have denied Christ and warred against Him and now He comes in judgement. Jesus won't be on His own but at a loud trumpet call He will send out His angels who will gather Christ's people from one end of the earth to the other (v31). The Christian has nothing to fear from the last day but should live in the shadow of it nevertheless. To illustrate the seriousness of the present hour, Jesus used the image of a fig tree. When a fig tree's leaves appear it is a sure sign that summer is coming (v32). In the same way when we see the darkness of this present age, then we know that Christ is coming and coming soon (v33). Jesus told His disciples that they would not die before they witnessed great trouble, tribulation and the destruction of the temple (v34). Similar signs continue to this very day and they are a sure testimony that Jesus is "at the very gates" (v33). We can only imagine how history will unfold before us. Will our lifetimes be marked by an increase in the tribulation promised by Christ? Or will we see a calm before the storm? None of us know what tomorrow brings but we know that Christ can be trusted. His Word will not pass away (v34) and we would do well to heed it. A great and terrible day is coming when the righteous will stand and the wicked will fall. How can we be so sure? Because Jesus said so. May we value His voice above all in these last days. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q81 What is forbidden in the tenth commandment? The tenth commandment forbiddeth all discontentment with our own estate, envying or grieving at the good of our neighbor, and all inordinate motions and affections to anything that is his.
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