28th February 2024
Pray (ACts) Read - (1 John 5:6-12 (focus v10) Message (Alan Burke) Here’s a simple enough question for you, do you like it when you are accused of being a liar? What if the actions of another, how they disbelieved your testimony showed they thought you were lying, spouting, telling porkies, spinning a yard, being full of it, pulling their leg, having them on, being economical with the truth, hoodwink, telling a tale, trying to slip one past, pulling the wool over the eye, pull a fast one, cry wolf, fibbing, bluffing, I could go on, we have lots of ways to say someone is a liar without saying it but how would you feel if you were accused of it or their testimony showed they didn’t believe you or choose to disregard the truth? When people do not believe in God and live accordingly they are making God out to be a liar. Look at John’s reasoning in v9, for we accept man’s testimony, there are many things we accept without a second thought not only from history but from in our every day lives. John’s point is that we accept the testimony of man, we respond accordingly, in impacts our decisions, our choices, that is what we do. We don’t spend our days like a nervous wreck refusing to trust anyone, if that was it we’d be an absolute state, we don’t live our lives that way, we trust the testimony of others, we act accordingly, and if that is the case then why would we not trust the testimony of God. God has given us testimony about his Son Jesus Christ, the one who came incarnate, lived and died for our salvation and while we receive the testimony of man so many people refuse to accept the testimony of God. Look how John continues, v10, anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart. John in the gospel puts a big emphasis on the need for believing in Jesus Christ, how eternal life comes from Jesus alone, in believing in him, through faith in him. From the angelic announcement, how within Mary was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit a child who was called Jesus, the one who would save his people from their sins, to the heavenly declaration from God the Father who’s voice resounded that“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” To the darkness that covered the earth as Jesus hung on the cross to the temple curtain that was torn in two, to the empty tomb, that and more all were God’s testimony to the truth that this Jesus was his son and for those who do not believe it are calling God a liar. For all of us John Stott put like this, “Unbelief is not a misfortune to be pitied; it is a sin to be deplored. Its sinfulness lies in the fact that it contradicts the word of the one true God and thus attributes falsehood to Him.” For those who not believe in the testimony of God regarding the Son then their unbelief itself is sinful. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q80 What is required in the tenth commandment? The tenth commandment requireth full contentment with our own condition, (Heb. 13:5, 1 Tim. 6:6) with a right and charitable frame of spirit toward our neighbour, and all that is his. (Job 31:29, Rom. 12:15, 1 Tim. 1:5, 1 Cor. 13:4–7)
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