29th February 2024
Pray (ACts) Read (Ecclesiastes 6v1-6) Message (Scott Woodburn) Arnold Schwarzenegger was rarely off my television screen in the 1980s. He was perhaps the most famous actor in the world and was a hero to my generation. His catchphrase “I’ll be back” made it’s way into common conversation and for a period of time, everything “Arnie” touched seemed to turn to gold. His 1990 movie “Total Recall” told the story of Douglas Quaid who had been implanted with false memories. Quaid’s false life had everything that he needed to be happy and yet the real memories kept on pushing through sending Arnie on an action packed pursuit of truth. We lack the technology to implant false memories and manipulate lives but we are all too familiar with the sense of dissatisfaction which pervades our society. How often do we ask “Who am I really?” or “What else is there?” or “Why am I not happy?”. This isn’t a modern phenomenon. Solomon once wrote about a man who had everything he desired (v2). He had no end of wealth, possessions and honour. He fathered a hundred children and he lived an incredibly long life (v3) but tragically there was something missing from this fellow’s life. The Lord never gave him the power to enjoy his prosperity (v2b) and despite the multitude of blessings that were poured out upon him, his soul was never satisfied with life’s good things (v3). In “Total Recall” the main character eventually discovered the truth about his life but in Solomon’s story, the man with everything died with nothing and went unmourned and unburied (v3b). Solomon compared such a man’s condition to that of a little stillborn child (v3). This precious child’s life was just months long without ever seeing the sun or knowing anything (v5) but the baby found a rest which the man never discovered (v5b). What is better, a short but happy life or a life that lasts for two thousand years but enjoys no good thing? (v6). Eventually everyone goes to the grave (v6b) and some make their way there without and semblance of joy - “this is vanity, it is a grievous evil.” (v2a). The main character in “Total Recall” was convinced that he wasn’t living his true life and perhaps you have come to realise this as well. Are you tired of being grumpy all the time? Has your heart become so hard that nothing brings you joy? Do those closest to you see a growing harshness despite the many blessings apparent in your life? I am thankful that Jesus is the greatest heart surgeon who has ever lived. He is able to take our tired, bitter and wounded hearts and make them new. True life and true joy is found in Christ. May you begin to learn this and the truth of God’s Word which declares “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16v11). Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q81 What is forbidden in the tenth commandment? The tenth commandment forbiddeth all discontentment with our own estate, envying or grieving at the good of our neighbor, and all inordinate motions and affections to anything that is his.
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