Day 321
Pray (ACts) Read - Exodus 4:10 Message - Alan Burke Even though many of us were told that could be anything we want to be when we grew up, as long as we put our mind to it, we all know that simply isn’t true. We all have some sense of our limitations, what we can do and what we can’t. Here as Moses gives another excuse, this time it’s because he is aware of his own limitations, look what he says… Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent On a purely pragmatic level I get this, it’s been forty years of shepherding sheep in the wilderness, he’s unlikely spoken much Egyptian in this time, maybe loosing his command of the language. Added to that how he had spent forty years talking to his sheep and not many people, he would have likely lost confidence to talk to a group, never mind having to engage in a world leader in conversation and to have a debate. After all this was a diplomatic mission that Moses was being sent on and part of the job was that he would need to be able to make his point, convey what God had told him. It may even had been that Moses had something physically wrong with his voice. What ever it was, whether it was just simply another excuse or not, Moses must have believed at some level that he had a real problem, a limitation that ruled him out of going to Egypt and before pharaoh. Moses was the first to doubt that he could speak God’s truth but he wasn’t the last. His problem though and it’s a problem that we can all have, is we are more focused on who we are than whose we are, we though about that a few weeks ago, it wasn’t who Moses was, rather it was whose he was. That he was the Lord’s and the Lord had chosen him. It didn’t matter that Moses was not eloquent, that he was slow of speech and of tongue, it didn’t matter if he had lost his command of the Egyptian language or his confidence in speech, it didn’t matter if there was something physically wrong with his speech some kind of disability. What mattered was the one who was sending him and the message he was taking. The God who calls also who calls us to service also equips us to serve (2 Peter 1:3). Moses learned this during his life. Likewise the apostles of Jesus who were uneducated, ordinary men learnt and experienced this truth (Acts 4:13). This is a truth that believers continue to learn experience today. When God calls us to service. He also gives us what we need to perform that service. Remember His grace is sufficient for you, His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12:9). You and I may be limited, but God uses people like you and I for his glory, to speak his truth of Christ, crucified risen and ascended, how all who trust in him are saved from their sin. He uses people, ordinary, limited people like you and I to advance the gospel. Remember that the next time you have an opportunity to share the good news. Pray (acTS) Sing WSC Q 87 What is repentance unto life? Repentance unto life is a saving grace, (Acts 11:18) whereby a sinner, out of a true sense of his sin, (Acts 2:37–38) and apprehension of the mercy of God in Christ, (Joel 2:12, Jer. 3:22) doth, with grief and hatred of his sin, turn from it unto God, (Jer. 31:18–19, Ezek. 36:31) with full purpose of, and endeavour after, new obedience. (2 Cor. 7:11, Isa. 1:16–17)
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